Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trip Trodden

I am headed out the door in 5 minutes. Its now 5:30 in the morning or 2:30 in the afternoon in the States. I am a little tired especially since I didn't get to bed until 11:30 last night.

Time goes way to fast here.

I am now going to Sinpyeong where I will teach for an hour before going to Samyeon. Its a trip day. I have a Orientation program I must go to its so important or a complete waste of time. I finish at 4:30 in the afternoon though so at least I can go to bed early tonight.

April is here and I am happy. i think I will get a lot of hours. I am going to be working in Sinpyeong everyday and I will teach Saturday classes as well. I am going to work until 10 every night and I think I should have minimally of 30 hours of OT!

I am so happy.
MY new boss is going to give me everything so maybe he is a good guy. I think its unfortunate that i can't be the head teacher but this may work out better.

As my friend says a wise guy changes his mind many times.

Liz left today and its a little sad. She was a good friend and I will miss her a lot.

Well this was written minimally 8 days ago and now its April 9th tomorrow a Friday.

Tomorrow i will move some money to my Savings Account and work extra hard.

Today wasn't a very good day. I have a class of sniffling complainers. I think some of them dropped my class or changed and I think this is bullshit since i only taught them twice. I am going to get some flack from this and it pisses me off since I am already busting my balls and getting no respect for the amount of time I put into my class. I think this system is baloney right now.

I am going to get up early tomorrow and I think starting tomorrow I will put my nose to the grindstone and try to overcome these bullshit hypocritical Corporate Dogma that is being flung or heaped on me. Personally I see a personal grudge against me coming. what did I do to deserve this?

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I am for the most part very happy and content in my life. I know exactly what my life goals are now. I have spent the last 6 months trying to establish meaning to what everything that had happened to me meant.

I am 26 years old and according to many people have no idea what to expect from life. I don't shave as much as some people think I should. I spend my money in a poor manner according to others. This would refer to the lack of spending ironically enough. I have walked to work for the last 3 months and have had many people question my lifestyle.
1. Shaving
2. Listening to I-pod not professional and not like a teacher
3. poor style in clothing
and many other criticisms

People don't take the time to understand what I am trying to accomplish. I have felt lonely, pathetic and at times I want to give up. If I bit the bullet for another month I feel that this summer will be rewarded with a lot of great success. I have some good plans on the horizon. Today I unleashed some of those plans because I was bottlenecking myself and it wasn't feeling very good.

I am aspiring to be so much more for myself as well as for my future better half. I am incapable of giving as much as I would like right now but I truly feel that a little patience and I can give so much soon!

Money is an awful thing. I held a large sum of money in my palms today and I watched it disappear into a bank vault where I will not touch it for at least 6 months. People in Africa don't have what I have. I say Africa simply to refer or allude to the vast amount of starving people. I am one of the privileged because America is a country that gave me that chance.

All I want in my life is simple. I want to go to work make a reasonably good amount of money and take care of my Christina.

I eat Toast in the morning which is 1800 Won. It tastes good. I feel happy about it and I don't complain at all. Its bread and its typical in America. If I have to eat this cheaply everyday maybe I will not be entirely happy but when I consider those people in Africa I am fortunate. My lunches are a nice treat of Cod Soup. I like fish and I enjoy the company. I eat a cheap dinner of Rameon or I go out with my students on occasion.

Life is what it is here.

YBM -----The destiny of my work. I promised I would stay here for at least 2 years maybe 3 depending on the situation. I am trying to spoon feed the bosses in Busan as well as Seoul and land myself a nicer spot here in the future. I think I would like to get out of this YBM because its too laid back I need a little more discipline. I need some more opportunities.

I think I can work my way up into the YBM ranks though and I remain hopeful.

I made one mistake in my time here and that was leaving once I never want to leave my home again. I have found the truest of true feelings here and I know that its truly perfect. Kim and Palmer Haven

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Motivation

I feel alone right now. My friend is going to leave the school this month and I will not have much foreign interaction. I am loading myself up for a very busy work schedule in April. I will work every Saturday and many classes during the week at YBM including my Sinpyeong endeavor.

Why am I working so hard? I want money to share with my wife I don't care about anything else nowadays.

this may sound a little off because Money isn't everything but unfortunately its very necessary to enjoy life fully in these tumultuous times. I am really ragged with stress nowadays.

I had a hectic last 2 weeks. A piss poor observation session with a man named ANDY TAYLOR. A real loser who doesn't know how to communicate and he is the English Teaching Trainer WTF

I had a talk about him today with the regional director and hope that Clare can give me some answers about my future work. I am really hoping that I can put in a lot of extra hours especially in Samyeon. I am enjoying the Busan life but I feel isolated and a little scared.

I am losing my wits at work where its already mass confusion with new information daily. I am seen as the nice outsider who has established great ties with the Korean teachers and all of the students. I don't think any of the students dislike me!

I hope to get more busy soon.

My motivation lies entirely within my gf-I know what I want and I can do it I just wish people believed in me a little more

Work work work
I go marching in my sleep now as I gear up for day 18 at Sinpyeong I have survived my first month. Another 350! in the bank TG

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Walking in the Salley Gardens

Yesterday I awoke to a new day that started to early. I was really tired and had stayed up too late. I wasn't sure at all what to expect for this Saturday.

I went to Kyung Ju! Kyung Ju is a nice tourist attraction that makes me feel right at home. There is so much happening in Kyung Ju. Many beautiful buildings and parks. I arrived to Kyung Ju around 11 am.

Today in Kyung Ju was a time of wonderful happiness. I felt like I was in the movies. Eating a picnic lunch near the lake, watching the boats nearly collide and laughing at them because of their stupidity, sharing the time with my girlfriend and eating scrumptiously^^

After lunch we rented bikes and it made me feel like back in Missoula where I would ride a bike everyday for 3 miles. I loved it, and want to do it again. In the future I will buy some bikes and we can play all day like this. We toured the Expo Center. I saw the old temple and cartoon museum. In Korea there are many cartoons for children that are famous and I enjoy that. I wish that I could see the American version, Garfield and Friends, Bugs Bunny, etc.

Later, we sat in the gardens and we were all alone in a field filled with traditional plans, and spread out before us like a palace garden. It was perfect and truthfully I hope we can go back there many times. We have to do more with our time.

Being in the Salley Gardens was wodnerful. I want to go back there asap and in the course of this week I will make sure I can set aside the time to go on these adventures.

I have successfully travelled the entire Orange line of the Subway in Busan another feat I can now cross off. When we live together we can expand our journeys in Busan-A place where I truly feel anything is possible. For Korea the place of Opportunity

Always in fighting a dawn of a new day begins and the trials of yesterday fade into the lust for tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Anti-Corporate Demi-god

Yesterday I was watched by a demonic YBM zombie drone who lacks both conscience and a personality. I hate Corporate Monkeys who think that they can show boat themselves in the name of a business. He came waltzing into Nampo-dong thinking that here is where he can toot his horn and make amends to the problems in the teaching styles of the foreign legionaries but he had another thing coming when he met the likes of me....

Andy somethinginother watched my class with a hint of indifference as well as nit picking critiquing. I was aghast at the comments he gave me. To begin with, he said my attitude sucked. It did I was displeased with seeing him and I showed it. I said Morning to him and that was all. When he tried to change my teaching plan I became Irate with him and decided to voice my concerns.

Observations should be well communicated in advance. I had no idea that I was going to be observed from him. He never contacted me. So I asked him How would you feel if I just showed up and made you sit in a meeting that you had no idea was coming. Its not fair to make plans without contacting first. Open the lines of communication. I work in Busan and understand my school better than that Seoul Jackass.

he mentioned cameras being placed in the classroom to monitor our teaching. Well that was what Orientation was supposed to do. I don't teach YBM method I do my own way. The students love me, the teachers like me and as my friend LIZ said I have changed the atmosphere of Nampo dong. People are more fun now that I am here. Apparently they were a sorry lot of teachers before I came here. I am just happy that people like me for a change. It was so sad to not have friends in Gumi.

we argued for 20 minutes about manners and my teaching ways. he compared my way with what he would have done. I don't do Andy style I do it my way and he should not close his mind. I also told him to try to understand personal situations.

I work 2 jobs, don't eat well until maybe 12 so i am tired and hungry and he wants to conduct an unannounced interview-had he scheduled in advance I think I could attend.

Now-He has treated me poorly twice and I think I will personally write a letter to his boss. This man is an idiot and really doesn't have communication or person skills. I hate people like that. He sold himself to a Corporate which has spit him out and is using him like a messiah. I have no respect for people like that. People who exhibit no form of personality or understanding.

Andy is a piece of shit and I won't suck up to him nor give him lip service. I will point out the problems that need addressing. I don't believe in going with the flow or any other thing that anybody cares to post. Its bullshit.. I want to see some comments.

i asked him to help me once. I wanted to become the head teacher but unfortunately he never talked to me about it and all my hopes were dashed when they appointed the new guy as head teacher. He has no communication skills whatsoever. The new guy Andrew is a recluse. Its weird but thats another story.

YBM pays me not as well but I can work my way up the ladder but I will never be a corporate sucker and I will fight with my personal vendettas to hopefully shape a better company. This is what teaching is all about

Sunday, March 15, 2009

대구 Adventure

a TRIP OUT of Busan....

I went to Daegu to open up new doors with my gf. We had a great time. I had a wonderful lunch, shopped around, had some coffee and thought a lot....

My darling is so beautiful. She has a honest, caring, sincere personality. She thinks a lot about the future and takes care of me very well.

I watched a Marathon at the train station and thought a lot about my old teammates. I wish I was still able to run. I am thinking of getting more involved with the gym if I can manage sometime in the near future. The train ride to Daegu made me look for new answers and possibilities outside in the lush world of Korea. There are many farms, and tall high rise buildings as I traverse through the tracks that meander around mountains, go under tunnels and finally made its way to Daegu.

Daegu is the third largest city in Korea. Behind Busan and Seoul its a good escape and located in the middle of Korea close to Gumi.

I prefer Busan and am really praying to make a home of it- I am hoping that we can unravel all of our dreams, Teaching English successfully and well and studying hard both here and in America as well as eventually going to Europe. I think its important to write and or talk about our dreams because we need to become more Goal-oriented.

I am having many projects keeping me busy and I am hoping that this week goes by fast and well.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Price We pay

This month is going by so fast and I really hope it goes faster because I am anxious for April to begin. I want new classes. I don't particularly like the night sessions I am pulling with level one entry students.

Life at YBM is more and more interesting as I venture forth. I am playing the Bureaucracy game where I feel like a successful teacher in the morning and leave feeling crummy at night. I go to Dae Yang every morning, have a free cup of coffee, teach or talk for one hour, get a van ride to the subway station and proceed to YBM dressed up quite professionally. I have my leisurely breakfast and then teach my two afternoon courses.
I have a Russian student in one of my classes. She is not very interesting though. She seems too aggressive so I wish she wasn't in my class. Next week I have a observation session with a man I loathe. I am not looking forward to it but I will not allow it to affect my lunch session. I am getting a free lunch daily from these two gentlemen who are similar to my grandfathers. I enjoy their company and am happy they treat me so well.

After lunch I am trying to work on my own albeit unsuccessful so far but I will keep trying. I was supposed to get a laundry machine today but failed to do that.

with the economy in a slump, enrollment down, teachers hustling and bustling around I wonder what price are we paying. What is the essence of our education, our life and servitude. Its these questions that I am bound and determined to find an answer for. I am purposeful in my quest here and not allowing anything to get me down.

I want Geoffreys old seat, I want to build a happy house circled around a newly wed couple destined for greater things. I am sure that my actions are going to pay dividends soon I won't be deterred.

The price we pay may be steep but the consequence will outlive and over shine the foundations we lay.
I am planning on working even harder. I am learning to live like see-saw Up and Down and through the topsy turvy affect I am shrouded by a cloud of hope that there are miracles if we truly know how to open our hearts and breathe freely.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ranting and Raving


Si-Sa or is it see-saw sometimes its rather like both. Last week I was getting tired of the management. They are always so slow at everything.

I still am waiting on my laundry machine, and other things I feel entitled to having in my apartment. i am tired of complaining or talking to them though because they are waterlogged in their work and seem to pay me no mind. I am getting by well enough to manage thus far though. This month they gave me a new job offer where I am sent to the Company in Simpyeong. While I have to take a subway for 20 minutes it well worth it in the end.

I am enjoying the morning life and like having my own free time. It has given me plenty of time to think. I am getting adapted to this routine.

Today I talked about Routines in my Business/Corporate Conversation Class. What do we do in the morning/weekend/etc.
I am hoping to expand my teaching into more opportunities like this one. The see-saw effect of YBM is rubbing off on me. While i am tired of putting up with the baloney that seems to happen in the classroom or downstairs in the front office, YBM gives a sense of security that gives me a hope for a bright future.

I am hoping that I can figure out the best options to laying down the brickwork for a successive future with everything we can possible attain. TEAMWORK is essential in making this happen.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I am getting closer to attaining my goals I am feeling it. I think I am enjoying my job for the first time since Manito-wish. I like most of the people I work with and really want to succeed at this company. My life is pretty jam packed with a lot of action right now. Unfortunately my break isn't long enough to give me time for as much as Clarity as I would like.

I get up each day at 5 am and make my way to my first job site. This job better pay me at least 350 which is what I agreed to. If it doesn't then I will have some problems here in 3 weeks. I haven't gotten used to the traveling yet since i need to take 2 buses and remember the departure spots. Its hard to hear Korean and see out the window at 6am.
After finishing my shift at 7:40 I head back to YBM where I have my breakfast, talk to my darling and wait for my next shift at 10. I finish at noon and can enjoy the time to myself for the remainder of the day.I start again at 6pm.

Work is a little chaotic. The scheduling is done very poorly and I often wonder what the people downstairs do during the afternoon. Whatever it is, it isn't helpful to my teaching plans. Today Mr. Cho finally got a measurement for my bathroom so he could possibly put a washer into the bathroom. I need to do laundry but who knows when this will happen.

Currently there are 4 teachers. Liz who is quitting at the end of this month, Arthur who complains all the time about Korea and doesn't like the job at all, Andrew who hides and never says much of anything to anyone and myself.

I am itching to get more opportunity and hoping to fill my afternoon with more activity than just cooking, getting groceries and waiting for 6 to come. I need to make more money.

I think March will be a very fast month. I am hoping it will also be promising.

More soon

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Following the money

Its been unfortunately too long since I was last able to write. I haven't had the best of luck lately in getting things accomplished with how or what I would like. I am hoping to become more efficient as a teacher and also have more time to start my book that I would really like to make soon.


I was on a tight budget the last two weeks due to some poor planning earlier in the month on my part. It was no big deal since I had planned on my budget to last until today anyways. I wasn't expecting some problems though

I got a new job_ Dae Yang company in Simpyeong hired me as a business/communications ESL Teacher. I get paid 350 per month and will be checking this carefully in April. There will be limited OT pay since they hired a new teacher. I am not sure he is so good cause he doesnt talk to anyone at work and so far I am the only one who has really connected with him...one time

I am hoping to become HEAD teacher and work even more or harder but right now I am having to be patient. I made a choice to take an early shift which I will do every month so that means I will make an extra 3k per year I think.

Work is hectic right now. I am starting to become the top foreigner because of my attitude and also my timing. Many students enjoy me so much.

I have many students who are hanging out with me. I have lawyers, teachers, company men, and many big friends right now. I am hanging out with elderly men (grandfathers) they are so kind and I try to talk to them as much as possible because they are really wanting my company. I am really happy to have developed so many close relationships and as a teacher most of my students like me. Thats why I got a bonus in today's pay!

I am getting inspected next week by a man I hate... a Corporate nobody who is like a drone. He is so weird and he will sit in my class and watch me. It gives me a headache to think about this because the last time I saw him I wanted to punch him.

Work is going by so fast though. its now my third session and I am looking for more ways to expand myself. Unfortunately I am fighting on my own right now. i have so many side projects going on that I am not able to follow well right now. Life goes on and is proving to be very interesting

Book idea: The Busan Streets?

I will keep thinking for now.