Sunday, May 3, 2009

구미 집

Things are jumping and jiving here in Gumi-si. This is where my second home is. I came here and walked from the Train station to my old workplace. I passed many old landmarks that brought back bitttersweet, painful and sad memories. I unfortunately felt so much regret leaving a place that gave me so much misery but gave me the best 볼물 in the world.

I spent first 5 days of May with my 사랑해 in Gumi at her house. We went shopping where I spent too much money but she's always worth it. I shouldn't say spent to much money because it really isn't important. WE also went hiking up the mountain with her mother and father.

COncept is the biggest lesson that I am trying to learn and feel frusterated with. Since coming to Korea have had to change my persona. I threw away my party image to try to become more professional. This was done two years ago. Now I am trying to become even more professional. I am turning away from casualness and looking to improve my outer image as well as what I can do internally. I need to save money more so than anything so sometimes my outerself doesn't look as well as it could.

Here is my two concepts... 1. Above anything else I want to have a successful marriage and I want to do that regardless of my social rank, age, or anything else I have or for that matter don't have to my credit. I will get more in time.
I need to improve on how I look, feel and act around other people but we shouldn't care so much.

Complaining isn't good-it never makes time go better. Why mention what you can't change. I am not perfect with my dress code, eating habits, or my Korean speaking abilities but in time it will get better. We just need to truly be ourselves and not care what others think.

TO many people I appear weak, or some other negative untrue statement. There are reasons why we do the things we do and explanations just need to be sought.

I am enjoying my time in Gumi. My gf is at work though so I am home alone and just relaxing. I really hope I can make use of more time again soon. Its going to kill me to leave here. My home away from home in which now I don't ever want to leave my true home again.

I am talking to my mother in law in Korean. My father in law fixed my shoes last night and even though it made me feel helpless I thanked him and now I know that he is trying harder for me. I just wish my gf wouldn't leave me on my own to fend for myself.

I can't make any situation change without her. I am considering staying in Korea for a longer time to make some concessions to my future better half's family but I need her help more and more.

This post is getting too long and maybe saying to much. I want to write more though shortly about everything I can

신평 구미! I dont want to leave here

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Media Hype

Obama's 100 days, Economic Recession, Swine Flu from Mexico another new Epidemic..... While I agree that these are all very important and serious issues to contend with I hate how the media is portraying these stories....

I am living in Korea where the recession will be just as bad as it is in America. Everyone is so worried about the Economic downturn that sometimes they don't take into account what they have. My working experience is making me more competitive where I am trying to build up my resume. I am fortunate to have a job right now but the irony is that I only teach 8 students and as a result I am effectively not making the company any money. They are losing money on their foreign teachers as a result of the hard hit times.... Its called perseverance and in time things will look up. Keep on trucking through as they say in America.
I want more Economic prosperity for myself as well as for the world but it means we need to take a stronger look into Cultural and human values rather than the influx of greed that created the recession in the first place. We also need to be patient and not let the media scare us. We can't allow the media to control our lives. Regardless of the news being bad or good- We should keep in mind it could be a ploy or business tactic to get peoples attention. It wouldn't be the first time in history whats the word-Propaganda.

I work at a small company where I get a small bonus in addition to my salary at YBM. Apparently, the students were shocked at my pay because the company pays YBM much more than what YBM gives me. My boss is a dumb bitch. She doesn't know how to control a company and just like all the other corporate mongers she doesn't give fair or an equal share of the pie to her employees. Its a dog eat dog world here just like in America and my co-workers and I are always competing with each other instead of helping each other. We all have a good friendship but its all about the benjamin and frankly speaking its the price we pay.

I get up at 440 drag myself to the subway and make a lump sum to stash in my marriage fund because its the only available job. I know I am cheated, I know my company is the same scum that will happily cheat all their employees for a profit margin but its the status quo. If I didn't teach at Sinpyeong YBM could effectively go out of business. Sinpyeong is what pays the other foreign teachers.

Does this make sense? if you want more info just tell me.

Swine Flu~ 160 people have died to a disease involving bird, pig and human genes. WTF? Unfortunately this avian has caused a fear of a growing epidemic but the question that needs to be asked and maybe there is an answer is: Why is there genes that contain bird, pig and human? I can't understand this concept and would like an explanation - am i missing something?

People have died in Europe, NZ, and a toddler that originally came from Mexico to try to get treatment, and still the media focuses on a potential global mishap. Its important but we as a world society need to take stronger precautions.

My favorite food in Asia or Korea is SamGyapSal- 3 layered fat that is fried pork similar to bacon. How koreans cook pork may need to be more scrutinized. I was so sick due to a fried pork cutlet in February-Do i have a pig flu? Did I have food poisoning or was it a coincidence? Koreans are wonderful for their delicacies but even so their manners need a lot of changing and its not just Korea but Mexico etc.

When the bad beef came to Korea last year I felt slighted and attacked because I was an American. For 5 months or so I had to endure criticism to what was one bad shipment. Oh Americans are so greedy and have bad taste. While its true that a small place in Northern Minnesota screwed up it could have been the cooking style of Koreans as much as it was the mad cow. Hearing kids say to me "Crazy Cow" was so disrespectful I never want to hear that again.

With this new fear of Pig I hope that things can stay more controlled. I don't want to see protests about American pigs, North American meat, Mexico etc. Its about hiatus we do something about how to truthfully and accurately analyze the news. No more fear, no more lies.

If ever there was a time to come together the time would be now.
Lets put our resources and minds together and open up a door to a new future filled with more hope.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Last week of April


Back to work as usual. I am having some computer problems so unfortunately I am not able to write as much as I would like during the day.

Today I began my new book idea I think it will continue to be a good one. I have set a new goal that I will write a page per day and if I skip I must write a page the next day just to make up for it. I am aspiring myself to be a writer in the near future. Maybe today the creative juices are flowing because I am just pouring out my words onto the computer screen. I have 3 more teaching days until the end of the session. I will be so happy because this session has been a heart ache for me. I have 1 student in the morning, and a crazy man who disrupted my class so many times that now I am down to 2 students in that class. It will be good for me to have a new change of venue starting on May 6th. I will spend the first 5 days of my vacation either in Busan or in Gumi resting and reflecting. Yesterday I pouted most of the day I had a lot of energy that I had saved up during the week but unfortunately wasted my time sitting around home with a computer that doesn’t always work well. Why can’t the company accommodate me better? Is it just me or is this senseless complaining? In my opinion, many foreigners living in Korea have free room and board and had help setting up utilities but for whatever reason it was all thrust on my shoulders. I only mention this because when I was working at the University I made sure that I accommodated my international students well. That’s why I miss America and more so my university life.

Today I finished my class and changed into a nice suit for lunch and a photo op tonight. It’s a small thing but YBM wants this picture its more important than a copy machine or printer that actually works. Another complaint, if Andy the bastard from Seoul comes he is more interested in how I am as a teacher regardless of the working conditions or my successes from the past, like getting a bonus from having a high enrollment from just my first month or my efforts in Sinpyeong another city which is just a working sector but a bonus opportunity. People are blind sometimes and my ambition makes people lose their sight in me as well unfortunately. They can’t understand hard work all the time. Doesn’t hard work pay dividends for later and if so why can’t administrative people understand this?

I had to walk today again…its no problem since as always I am the first one in the classroom. My ride went to Japan until tomorrow so I had to walk for 40 minutes from the subway to my work place. It was good exercise first thing in the morning but I will be happy to get back on routine this week and even more in May.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

All for you

I can't wait until May~ I want more classes or at least different ones. I have a lot of things going on with work, personal things, and the works.

Work is unfortunately slow. I am working my company job where I have between 4 and 8 students. Its a free discussion class which requires little to no effort. The students always come late if at all and its more like a coffee break that earns me a little extra money minus the subway fare.
YBM is not good right now. This month I taught 5 classes there. 5*20 is 100 hours so I am working below the Salary pay of 120 hours. They include my Sinpyeong job in the contract so it works out for me. I only teach 6 students though just to put the economic downturn into concrete numbers. 6 classes, 6 YBM students and I just hope that there are more classes available for me in May. I want to teach more. If I can teach one extra class I can rack in about 400-500 more dollars per month. I wouldn't mind working the afternoon since I can't sleep but there is no availability here.
I ended my private session. He cancelled his last class and terminated his contract I am not sure if I will teach him anymore in May or June. Frankly I am glad to be done with that. It was a nuisance and a huge inconvenience which he caused. His problems interfered with my personal scheduling and I was sick of trying to cater to him.

I teach high school classes on the weekend. They are awful. one class doesn't talk at all to me and so I end up just sitting there waiting to go home. I hate it. Why can't kids learn how to function in the educational world. All this does is makes the teachers feel awful and does little to help further my career. I am really wanting to make my educational future brighter but make dumb morons learn English isn't my cup of tea. If all my classes were like this I would quit in a heartbeat. Thankfully its only 1 out of 4 on Saturday and 1 out of 30 not including Sinpyeong.

I want to work more I want try harder and get more out of my experience here.

I feel disappointed with work right now because I am not getting much out of it for as much as I am putting into it. I like my head teacher a lot but his attitude about work and Korea sucks. Everyone thinks I am taking my job way to seriously and personally I think the rest of the people aren't caring enough.

i am endeavoring for more- If I work harder I get more money, If I work harder I can help the students more and have better relationships that can lead to more opportunities and finally I can feel satisfied that I am doing something instead of just sitting like a blob english speaking recording system.

i seem to be in this battle all alone. I want to get back too Gumi as much as possible because everything I left back there is filled with Love. Talk about Ironies. i hated that place for as long as I lived there because I had nothing but bambi's in the classroom and problems up the wazoo but now it holds my heart and Bo Mul.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Blog Report

One of my favorite hobbies is to write. I enjoy writing about my experiences and I am hoping to educate anyone who is interested in learning more about English, languages, culture, Korea or anything that I may have to give in my writing. I read all the comments anyone can post on my blog, I do wish I could reply accordingly though. I am interested in learning more about BLOGGING and hoping to reach a wider audience as well as post to other people. Any suggestions?

Last year I had some very negative blog readers who refused to correspond with me or show me their blogs. I want to know other people's perspectives but I was disheartened to be judged so poorly.

I would really love to hear more recommendations as well as insights on possible improvements etc.

I work 120 hours a month and now I am also working on Saturdays. I get up at the crack of dawn work until noon, and then repeat this process from 6pm until 10 at night. My prep time is more or less on my own. Seeking improvement as a teacher is one of my goals here unfortunately the fast paced society makes most of my efforts lost in translation and that fact is what I can't change about korean culture.

My blog is meant to inform the good the bad and the ugly about my situations. Life is truly what you make of it and thats why I am full of aspirations, dreams and am taken very seriously. I am a warm hearted open minded individual that desires more. While at times I appear to be depressed or negative its just the heat of the moment. I live in Korea so when I see stupid things more than likely its a cultural difference or the same thing could happen in America its just that I can't understand because its done in korean and not english. who cares really?

all people are generally the same.

Please make some posts on this article and send me more information about your blog or blogs I would like to learn as much as I can.

Enjoy reading.


Corporate Vice

I went to Songdo beach today with one of my best friends. It was a nice day off and I can't imagine the next one. I had a night of debauchery with my foreign workers and it unfortunately was just like a mock teachers meeting. I had some difficulties understanding the rationale of thought that transpired in this hoopla.

I am having some Corporate misgivings right now at work. I am trying hard and determined. I am loving my job i think teaching adults is wonderful. I am happy to talk and discuss ideas with my students. I am anti-corporate in my heart because I believe in helping people and not spoon feeding them a Cacophony of English baloney just to cater to the whims of a demi-god entity called YBM I have drawn a line where I stand with the Corporation but other than that its fine to work here.

I feel pressure from Work on all sides especially coming from Seoul and the other Busan main sector. Is it just me or is YBM trying to kill me right now. I was accused of private teaching by simply going to a lunch or a hike with a former student of mine. I think this is bullshit. I want to hang out with certain people I have met because they are my friends. Why is it illegal to enjoy time with my students as just people. I teach people who are of the same age or older than me so people need to act more human instead of making stupid rules.

I have lunch with my student and its a crime because he or she pays for me and then the next time I pay? Get real. This is what people do.

I do my work that I am paid to do and I am seeking more opportunities because Man is a social animal as well as bound to opportunity. I will not stay at YBM and mope like my co-worker. I will not become a head teacher like my new boss who follows Corporate law but has his own way of playing the Corporate world game and who doesn't really show respect for Korean Culture.

Korean Culture has its weak points and these things need to be changed when it comes to the focusing and learning of English. I am open minded and willing to learn new things. I expect people to have this attitude. I don't follow the stupid rules that stipulate how I can make friends. My private life will not be controlled by a Corporation anymore than it already has to be.

What do you think of this? I am not complaining I am stating a fact which says that I am truly being watched and my activities are trying to be curbed by Foreigners and Koreans alike. YOT MOGO JU SAY YO. Its craziness and I will not fold my cards to anyone especially a Corporate Giant.

I am not going to say anymore on this. YBM is good bad and ugly but I will live a happy life and pursue happiness to the utmost of my abilities.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Simplicity of Stupidity

I am going to try to be a mad blogger for awhile. When I say mad I am not referring to the "mad" crazy inference that is so often misconstrued in Korea but rather I am going to try to write much more than before.

Work is killing me unfortunately. I work from sun up to sun down. I have my mid afternoon break from 1-5 where I try to rest comfortably in my home and not think to much about my situation.

Here is a little glimpse of my life monday through friday. I walk past the Busan hotel which is a tourist area for mostly Japanese people and its where my friend works every other day. Unfortunately I am considering him to be rather dumb lately. I say this because its typical of most people I know these days. I enjoy talking to him but he is so judgmental of appearance and orderliness.

I am younger than he is and I am working hard at becoming a teacher and develop my skill so I can make it professionally. I am saving money and making some lifestyle choices that are necessary for my future planning. For example, I am not shaving as much as I normally would under different pretenses. This in America is just trying a new fashion but apparently its sub human in Korea. Maybe because men here can't grow much I don't know why they complain all the time. Teachers are held in high regard but it doesn't mean much because I am not shown as much respect as I would like sometimes. I am told to shave by him every time I see him because I am not a civilian I am a teacher. He is so stupid that I would probably buy him a coffee since I just got paid but instead of saying hello he complains about my look. He is a man who is working as a parking attendant. He can speak English very well but he won't try to become a better person he is lazy in my opinion and frankly I don't want anything to do with him.

Why are people so damn stupid?
Another example, students who bitch and moan to the office about me because they can't understand my English. They can't speak English and will not try... its a lame excuse to whine about something you won't try to overcome. I give ample opportunity for questions and chances to talk and when they refuse because their culture prefers not to speak up I am labelled as a poor teacher. I hate these people. These students who can't see past their nose

Complaining is my biggest pet peeve. If you don't like something change it the right way. Quitting my class, going to the office early in the week or ignoring the issue isn't solving the problem.

I know I know Its the old Culture shock or simply the differences between my American perspective and a Korean mental block but its not. Why all my Korean friends can understand normal human behavior but these students and other people like my old friend can't grasp them at all. This has nothing to do with English or America.

I have witnessed so many piss poor attitudes its amazing. Your attitude tells me everything I need to know about you. Truly. If you try harder and believe you can succeed you will do so. If you are always negative about others you will continue to go down the tremble trodden path alone and useless.

i have spaghetti to cook and a movie to watch. Then I have 4 hours of classes including one where I will ask a Crazy man to leave. Seriously he isn't normal and I am npt referring to anything I said above but the true definition of mentally handicapped. He shouldn't be in the discussion class and I will ask him to leave ASAP.

On other notes I think I should become an English Driving Instructor that's another story.

Desire for Sinpyeong

A twist of fate or coincidence that has me now wanting to go to Sinpyeong every day.

Sinpyeong is my nest egg in two manners. The first, is that it will allow me to successfully save enough money for my marriage and it may also give me some extra benefits as well. I go there every weekday and work at Dae Yang a lighting and electrical company. I have anywhere from 4 to 12 students who are truly too tired for anything other than to give me cup of coffee and talk some chit chat for 40 minutes. its the easiest 1 hour I have before I head back to the Academy.

This is an industrial town and mostly factories but its where I feel the best at.

Unfortunately this isn't my desire though. The Sinpyeong I want is back in Gumi. Its the best part of Gumi I am sure. Its a place that alluded me for over a year as I desperately sought approval. Its a place that since coming back has also been a bright spot and literally tears my heart to pieces when I leave there. I feel perfect there and hopeful for anything that may be there. This is my second home and I really want to make the most of it and make dreams come true by giving more than I can

I love her family and their home so much. It reminds me of my brother and I growing up and all the mischief that we used to do around our house. I really hope that I can make a new home and a brighter spot for us in the near future.

I am dedicated and determined to make this happen more than anything else I really want this.

Its almost 9 pm and I should go to bed as I need to get up early but its difficult to fall asleep yet.

Busan Home

Along time ago when I was living in Gumi I made a prediction that I could make Busan my home. I have been here for over 100 days still and I haven't regretted my new job. Sure there is some shitty aspects about working here and as always salary is something people worry about but its opened up some new doors and time will make some more differences.

I am gearing up for my usual and typical week. I have only 4 days this week. I will teach every night until 10 pm and then go home to get ready for going to Sinpyeong the next morning. This Saturday I will teach 4 classes as well but at least I dont have to give a shit at all. The students are either ok or too quiet to care about. working makes the time go by so fast too. Its almost May and I have a lot more preparation to do.

Everyday I eat Daegu tang with my two friends. I enjoy this time a lot because I learn more about Korean culture and it is the only respite I have in the afternoon.

This month I will work 120 hours which includes going to Sinpyeong and teaching the Company that is actually my second job.^^ It counts as Overtime pay! And i will also work 16 additional hours of OT teaching the Saturday students.

I saw my gf today and we had a wonderful time in the University area. Its a place I really hope we can enjoy more together hopefully even going to school.

I was really sad to see her off again. Seriously my heart develops a new hole when I leave her and personally I regret leaving Gumi along time ago even though that school is the worst place I have ever felt in my life.

I can't wait until May. The weather is nice but I really want to get out and see more of Korea and not just work. more to follow shortly...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trip Trodden

I am headed out the door in 5 minutes. Its now 5:30 in the morning or 2:30 in the afternoon in the States. I am a little tired especially since I didn't get to bed until 11:30 last night.

Time goes way to fast here.

I am now going to Sinpyeong where I will teach for an hour before going to Samyeon. Its a trip day. I have a Orientation program I must go to its so important or a complete waste of time. I finish at 4:30 in the afternoon though so at least I can go to bed early tonight.

April is here and I am happy. i think I will get a lot of hours. I am going to be working in Sinpyeong everyday and I will teach Saturday classes as well. I am going to work until 10 every night and I think I should have minimally of 30 hours of OT!

I am so happy.
MY new boss is going to give me everything so maybe he is a good guy. I think its unfortunate that i can't be the head teacher but this may work out better.

As my friend says a wise guy changes his mind many times.

Liz left today and its a little sad. She was a good friend and I will miss her a lot.

Well this was written minimally 8 days ago and now its April 9th tomorrow a Friday.

Tomorrow i will move some money to my Savings Account and work extra hard.

Today wasn't a very good day. I have a class of sniffling complainers. I think some of them dropped my class or changed and I think this is bullshit since i only taught them twice. I am going to get some flack from this and it pisses me off since I am already busting my balls and getting no respect for the amount of time I put into my class. I think this system is baloney right now.

I am going to get up early tomorrow and I think starting tomorrow I will put my nose to the grindstone and try to overcome these bullshit hypocritical Corporate Dogma that is being flung or heaped on me. Personally I see a personal grudge against me coming. what did I do to deserve this?

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I am for the most part very happy and content in my life. I know exactly what my life goals are now. I have spent the last 6 months trying to establish meaning to what everything that had happened to me meant.

I am 26 years old and according to many people have no idea what to expect from life. I don't shave as much as some people think I should. I spend my money in a poor manner according to others. This would refer to the lack of spending ironically enough. I have walked to work for the last 3 months and have had many people question my lifestyle.
1. Shaving
2. Listening to I-pod not professional and not like a teacher
3. poor style in clothing
and many other criticisms

People don't take the time to understand what I am trying to accomplish. I have felt lonely, pathetic and at times I want to give up. If I bit the bullet for another month I feel that this summer will be rewarded with a lot of great success. I have some good plans on the horizon. Today I unleashed some of those plans because I was bottlenecking myself and it wasn't feeling very good.

I am aspiring to be so much more for myself as well as for my future better half. I am incapable of giving as much as I would like right now but I truly feel that a little patience and I can give so much soon!

Money is an awful thing. I held a large sum of money in my palms today and I watched it disappear into a bank vault where I will not touch it for at least 6 months. People in Africa don't have what I have. I say Africa simply to refer or allude to the vast amount of starving people. I am one of the privileged because America is a country that gave me that chance.

All I want in my life is simple. I want to go to work make a reasonably good amount of money and take care of my Christina.

I eat Toast in the morning which is 1800 Won. It tastes good. I feel happy about it and I don't complain at all. Its bread and its typical in America. If I have to eat this cheaply everyday maybe I will not be entirely happy but when I consider those people in Africa I am fortunate. My lunches are a nice treat of Cod Soup. I like fish and I enjoy the company. I eat a cheap dinner of Rameon or I go out with my students on occasion.

Life is what it is here.

YBM -----The destiny of my work. I promised I would stay here for at least 2 years maybe 3 depending on the situation. I am trying to spoon feed the bosses in Busan as well as Seoul and land myself a nicer spot here in the future. I think I would like to get out of this YBM because its too laid back I need a little more discipline. I need some more opportunities.

I think I can work my way up into the YBM ranks though and I remain hopeful.

I made one mistake in my time here and that was leaving once I never want to leave my home again. I have found the truest of true feelings here and I know that its truly perfect. Kim and Palmer Haven

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Motivation

I feel alone right now. My friend is going to leave the school this month and I will not have much foreign interaction. I am loading myself up for a very busy work schedule in April. I will work every Saturday and many classes during the week at YBM including my Sinpyeong endeavor.

Why am I working so hard? I want money to share with my wife I don't care about anything else nowadays.

this may sound a little off because Money isn't everything but unfortunately its very necessary to enjoy life fully in these tumultuous times. I am really ragged with stress nowadays.

I had a hectic last 2 weeks. A piss poor observation session with a man named ANDY TAYLOR. A real loser who doesn't know how to communicate and he is the English Teaching Trainer WTF

I had a talk about him today with the regional director and hope that Clare can give me some answers about my future work. I am really hoping that I can put in a lot of extra hours especially in Samyeon. I am enjoying the Busan life but I feel isolated and a little scared.

I am losing my wits at work where its already mass confusion with new information daily. I am seen as the nice outsider who has established great ties with the Korean teachers and all of the students. I don't think any of the students dislike me!

I hope to get more busy soon.

My motivation lies entirely within my gf-I know what I want and I can do it I just wish people believed in me a little more

Work work work
I go marching in my sleep now as I gear up for day 18 at Sinpyeong I have survived my first month. Another 350! in the bank TG

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Walking in the Salley Gardens

Yesterday I awoke to a new day that started to early. I was really tired and had stayed up too late. I wasn't sure at all what to expect for this Saturday.

I went to Kyung Ju! Kyung Ju is a nice tourist attraction that makes me feel right at home. There is so much happening in Kyung Ju. Many beautiful buildings and parks. I arrived to Kyung Ju around 11 am.

Today in Kyung Ju was a time of wonderful happiness. I felt like I was in the movies. Eating a picnic lunch near the lake, watching the boats nearly collide and laughing at them because of their stupidity, sharing the time with my girlfriend and eating scrumptiously^^

After lunch we rented bikes and it made me feel like back in Missoula where I would ride a bike everyday for 3 miles. I loved it, and want to do it again. In the future I will buy some bikes and we can play all day like this. We toured the Expo Center. I saw the old temple and cartoon museum. In Korea there are many cartoons for children that are famous and I enjoy that. I wish that I could see the American version, Garfield and Friends, Bugs Bunny, etc.

Later, we sat in the gardens and we were all alone in a field filled with traditional plans, and spread out before us like a palace garden. It was perfect and truthfully I hope we can go back there many times. We have to do more with our time.

Being in the Salley Gardens was wodnerful. I want to go back there asap and in the course of this week I will make sure I can set aside the time to go on these adventures.

I have successfully travelled the entire Orange line of the Subway in Busan another feat I can now cross off. When we live together we can expand our journeys in Busan-A place where I truly feel anything is possible. For Korea the place of Opportunity

Always in fighting a dawn of a new day begins and the trials of yesterday fade into the lust for tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Anti-Corporate Demi-god

Yesterday I was watched by a demonic YBM zombie drone who lacks both conscience and a personality. I hate Corporate Monkeys who think that they can show boat themselves in the name of a business. He came waltzing into Nampo-dong thinking that here is where he can toot his horn and make amends to the problems in the teaching styles of the foreign legionaries but he had another thing coming when he met the likes of me....

Andy somethinginother watched my class with a hint of indifference as well as nit picking critiquing. I was aghast at the comments he gave me. To begin with, he said my attitude sucked. It did I was displeased with seeing him and I showed it. I said Morning to him and that was all. When he tried to change my teaching plan I became Irate with him and decided to voice my concerns.

Observations should be well communicated in advance. I had no idea that I was going to be observed from him. He never contacted me. So I asked him How would you feel if I just showed up and made you sit in a meeting that you had no idea was coming. Its not fair to make plans without contacting first. Open the lines of communication. I work in Busan and understand my school better than that Seoul Jackass.

he mentioned cameras being placed in the classroom to monitor our teaching. Well that was what Orientation was supposed to do. I don't teach YBM method I do my own way. The students love me, the teachers like me and as my friend LIZ said I have changed the atmosphere of Nampo dong. People are more fun now that I am here. Apparently they were a sorry lot of teachers before I came here. I am just happy that people like me for a change. It was so sad to not have friends in Gumi.

we argued for 20 minutes about manners and my teaching ways. he compared my way with what he would have done. I don't do Andy style I do it my way and he should not close his mind. I also told him to try to understand personal situations.

I work 2 jobs, don't eat well until maybe 12 so i am tired and hungry and he wants to conduct an unannounced interview-had he scheduled in advance I think I could attend.

Now-He has treated me poorly twice and I think I will personally write a letter to his boss. This man is an idiot and really doesn't have communication or person skills. I hate people like that. He sold himself to a Corporate which has spit him out and is using him like a messiah. I have no respect for people like that. People who exhibit no form of personality or understanding.

Andy is a piece of shit and I won't suck up to him nor give him lip service. I will point out the problems that need addressing. I don't believe in going with the flow or any other thing that anybody cares to post. Its bullshit.. I want to see some comments.

i asked him to help me once. I wanted to become the head teacher but unfortunately he never talked to me about it and all my hopes were dashed when they appointed the new guy as head teacher. He has no communication skills whatsoever. The new guy Andrew is a recluse. Its weird but thats another story.

YBM pays me not as well but I can work my way up the ladder but I will never be a corporate sucker and I will fight with my personal vendettas to hopefully shape a better company. This is what teaching is all about

Sunday, March 15, 2009

대구 Adventure

a TRIP OUT of Busan....

I went to Daegu to open up new doors with my gf. We had a great time. I had a wonderful lunch, shopped around, had some coffee and thought a lot....

My darling is so beautiful. She has a honest, caring, sincere personality. She thinks a lot about the future and takes care of me very well.

I watched a Marathon at the train station and thought a lot about my old teammates. I wish I was still able to run. I am thinking of getting more involved with the gym if I can manage sometime in the near future. The train ride to Daegu made me look for new answers and possibilities outside in the lush world of Korea. There are many farms, and tall high rise buildings as I traverse through the tracks that meander around mountains, go under tunnels and finally made its way to Daegu.

Daegu is the third largest city in Korea. Behind Busan and Seoul its a good escape and located in the middle of Korea close to Gumi.

I prefer Busan and am really praying to make a home of it- I am hoping that we can unravel all of our dreams, Teaching English successfully and well and studying hard both here and in America as well as eventually going to Europe. I think its important to write and or talk about our dreams because we need to become more Goal-oriented.

I am having many projects keeping me busy and I am hoping that this week goes by fast and well.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Price We pay

This month is going by so fast and I really hope it goes faster because I am anxious for April to begin. I want new classes. I don't particularly like the night sessions I am pulling with level one entry students.

Life at YBM is more and more interesting as I venture forth. I am playing the Bureaucracy game where I feel like a successful teacher in the morning and leave feeling crummy at night. I go to Dae Yang every morning, have a free cup of coffee, teach or talk for one hour, get a van ride to the subway station and proceed to YBM dressed up quite professionally. I have my leisurely breakfast and then teach my two afternoon courses.
I have a Russian student in one of my classes. She is not very interesting though. She seems too aggressive so I wish she wasn't in my class. Next week I have a observation session with a man I loathe. I am not looking forward to it but I will not allow it to affect my lunch session. I am getting a free lunch daily from these two gentlemen who are similar to my grandfathers. I enjoy their company and am happy they treat me so well.

After lunch I am trying to work on my own albeit unsuccessful so far but I will keep trying. I was supposed to get a laundry machine today but failed to do that.

with the economy in a slump, enrollment down, teachers hustling and bustling around I wonder what price are we paying. What is the essence of our education, our life and servitude. Its these questions that I am bound and determined to find an answer for. I am purposeful in my quest here and not allowing anything to get me down.

I want Geoffreys old seat, I want to build a happy house circled around a newly wed couple destined for greater things. I am sure that my actions are going to pay dividends soon I won't be deterred.

The price we pay may be steep but the consequence will outlive and over shine the foundations we lay.
I am planning on working even harder. I am learning to live like see-saw Up and Down and through the topsy turvy affect I am shrouded by a cloud of hope that there are miracles if we truly know how to open our hearts and breathe freely.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ranting and Raving


Si-Sa or is it see-saw sometimes its rather like both. Last week I was getting tired of the management. They are always so slow at everything.

I still am waiting on my laundry machine, and other things I feel entitled to having in my apartment. i am tired of complaining or talking to them though because they are waterlogged in their work and seem to pay me no mind. I am getting by well enough to manage thus far though. This month they gave me a new job offer where I am sent to the Company in Simpyeong. While I have to take a subway for 20 minutes it well worth it in the end.

I am enjoying the morning life and like having my own free time. It has given me plenty of time to think. I am getting adapted to this routine.

Today I talked about Routines in my Business/Corporate Conversation Class. What do we do in the morning/weekend/etc.
I am hoping to expand my teaching into more opportunities like this one. The see-saw effect of YBM is rubbing off on me. While i am tired of putting up with the baloney that seems to happen in the classroom or downstairs in the front office, YBM gives a sense of security that gives me a hope for a bright future.

I am hoping that I can figure out the best options to laying down the brickwork for a successive future with everything we can possible attain. TEAMWORK is essential in making this happen.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I am getting closer to attaining my goals I am feeling it. I think I am enjoying my job for the first time since Manito-wish. I like most of the people I work with and really want to succeed at this company. My life is pretty jam packed with a lot of action right now. Unfortunately my break isn't long enough to give me time for as much as Clarity as I would like.

I get up each day at 5 am and make my way to my first job site. This job better pay me at least 350 which is what I agreed to. If it doesn't then I will have some problems here in 3 weeks. I haven't gotten used to the traveling yet since i need to take 2 buses and remember the departure spots. Its hard to hear Korean and see out the window at 6am.
After finishing my shift at 7:40 I head back to YBM where I have my breakfast, talk to my darling and wait for my next shift at 10. I finish at noon and can enjoy the time to myself for the remainder of the day.I start again at 6pm.

Work is a little chaotic. The scheduling is done very poorly and I often wonder what the people downstairs do during the afternoon. Whatever it is, it isn't helpful to my teaching plans. Today Mr. Cho finally got a measurement for my bathroom so he could possibly put a washer into the bathroom. I need to do laundry but who knows when this will happen.

Currently there are 4 teachers. Liz who is quitting at the end of this month, Arthur who complains all the time about Korea and doesn't like the job at all, Andrew who hides and never says much of anything to anyone and myself.

I am itching to get more opportunity and hoping to fill my afternoon with more activity than just cooking, getting groceries and waiting for 6 to come. I need to make more money.

I think March will be a very fast month. I am hoping it will also be promising.

More soon

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Following the money

Its been unfortunately too long since I was last able to write. I haven't had the best of luck lately in getting things accomplished with how or what I would like. I am hoping to become more efficient as a teacher and also have more time to start my book that I would really like to make soon.


I was on a tight budget the last two weeks due to some poor planning earlier in the month on my part. It was no big deal since I had planned on my budget to last until today anyways. I wasn't expecting some problems though

I got a new job_ Dae Yang company in Simpyeong hired me as a business/communications ESL Teacher. I get paid 350 per month and will be checking this carefully in April. There will be limited OT pay since they hired a new teacher. I am not sure he is so good cause he doesnt talk to anyone at work and so far I am the only one who has really connected with time

I am hoping to become HEAD teacher and work even more or harder but right now I am having to be patient. I made a choice to take an early shift which I will do every month so that means I will make an extra 3k per year I think.

Work is hectic right now. I am starting to become the top foreigner because of my attitude and also my timing. Many students enjoy me so much.

I have many students who are hanging out with me. I have lawyers, teachers, company men, and many big friends right now. I am hanging out with elderly men (grandfathers) they are so kind and I try to talk to them as much as possible because they are really wanting my company. I am really happy to have developed so many close relationships and as a teacher most of my students like me. Thats why I got a bonus in today's pay!

I am getting inspected next week by a man I hate... a Corporate nobody who is like a drone. He is so weird and he will sit in my class and watch me. It gives me a headache to think about this because the last time I saw him I wanted to punch him.

Work is going by so fast though. its now my third session and I am looking for more ways to expand myself. Unfortunately I am fighting on my own right now. i have so many side projects going on that I am not able to follow well right now. Life goes on and is proving to be very interesting

Book idea: The Busan Streets?

I will keep thinking for now.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spiraling Turns

Its now Sunday and this month is nearly drawing to a close. I have one more work week which unfortunately includes Saturday. I got off easy apparently because I only teach 3 classes on Saturday which is ACWOT. a complete waste of time. I got 75won a pop for each class but the kids are 100% worthless. In my first class they are two shy that they whisper answers to me and can't talk to their partners in English or in Korean and then in my next class they are bored with the activity and won't open their mind to any social discourse whatsoever. They treated me like a babysitter and it was disgusting. In my final class-they don't have textbooks and just listen to a tape recording which is worthless to me. I don't do anything but listen to a tape conversation. I left YBM angry yesterday especially after they asked me about rescheduling my class i cancelled due to sickness. I teach one student and i can't do anything about it. They can't speak English at all downstairs and they are really pissing me off. To hell with them. I am moving forward in my own way.

I work so hard. I showed up early for classes, I have worked through illness and had to cancel one time because of puking. I got a 100 dollar bonus for my efforts in January and will get paid more next month. Pay day is in 12 days and I can't wait. YBM has some strange politics downstairs. They act like they are better than the teachers and there is no conversation that happens. I am sick to death of it actually. They act quite weirdly to me. If I get a problem with my pay I will raise Cane with them because they are worthless to me. I need laundry machines, hot water, and a list of small things but my needs are not as important as a student. I am tired of the blessed student philosophy.

I teach only 1 or two students in 3 classes. There needs to be 4 or more but they waste the space in the classrooms. I am going to give my students a survey for next months times and class schedule. YBM needs a swift kick in the ass and I am hoping to deliver it to them.

I had a dream that I was becoming head teacher here and I really am hoping to aim high. If I do I will teach administration how to communicate more properly. Its nuts.

I am sitting in my house all day today on Sunday. Its raining and there isn't anything special to do. I hated this weekend unfortunately, it was a long one and nothing special happened. I want to finish this work week asap.

I hope you enjoyed the story as I will try to write even more in the days to follow

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Aims of My heart

Today I had my usual 7 hours of classes. I taught as well as I could and I have established a good relationship with all of my students. I enjoy them a lot and really hope I can provide my services in a good manner for them.

After my classes I had a quiet afternoon to myself cleaning, trying to arrange a new bank account, and a potential endeavor in the private teaching realm. I am not so sure and kind of skeptical about this but I am determined to make money for my future wife in anyway I possible.

Classes are wearing on me a little this month just because of the vigorous schedule and the stupidity from the counterparts downstairs. I am estranged by them right now.

From 12-6 I am free and really am hoping to shed some more light on my future aims-travel writing a book, and piecing together the puzzle that I really hope to formulate soon. I feel so alone nowadays and maybe thats why my heart is throbbing.

Tomorrow has to be more promising than today with the dawn of the early light brings a new relief to the drudges created by the osmosis of time. I pray to make the world a better place tomorrow. I need to try harder I am resolved and undeterred fettered, or broken but poised to swivel my influence in a more helpful manner.

:Life on the teachers floor is full of interest. If my gf was here my circle would be complete. I have a best friend who helps me with a lot and we get along well. We are like a big family sometimes I feel. I get along well with all the Korean teachers nowadays. I am hoping to end Cultural Differences and show more promise

Monday, February 16, 2009

kinky Roads

I am recovering from a food poisoning that is slowly getting better. I have bad indigestion and a little hard time to breathe but at least the vomiting has stopped. i ate some bad pork I think. I am overcoming and hope tomorrow I will be cured of this mess that made for an extremely long weekend.

I had to cancel one of my classes due to puking and and walk out on 2 of them a number of times. I am happy that no one saw me do this

i had a wonderful Sunday in Gumi. My next post will be more about my Gumi Family.

Today I had 7 hours of teaching and had one student say he was unhappy with the teaching material. I dont like that at all because I am tired as it is and I just want to finish my teaching even though I really care about my teaching materials and skill I don't care about bad students attitudes.

I am really busy unfortunately. I wish I had more time these days to spend with my love but unfortunately around the clock I go.

I am clogged up physically and mentally and need to find a road to go down thats more calming...
more soon
gotta hit the sack

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Formidable Aims

YBM Academy
27th Teaching day completed. I am trying to access my email but its so slow. I am thinking of investing into the internet service which should cost me around 40 dollars per month but I am also thinking of just waiting until March or later to start as well. I dont like paying bills and am trying to live frugal as possible right now.

Today I was so tired. I am getting up before 7am everyday now to teach my classes. i do my shift and take my break. I have no supervisors, no meetings and what I do is my own. I make my students laugh, they seem to enjoy my time that I spend with them but sometimes I always question my abilities I am hoping to improve on this since this is no doubt my future work.

I like hot topics issues and am going to try to start using them in my daily life.
Today was really nothing special but I do like my job thus far.

I like the tranquility and atmosphere that Busan provides. I often wonder why people would want to leave here and live in some other place in Korea but I do think Busan has a lot of potential for me. I am facing some personal difficulties and am really wanting to find some answers because I am troubled by this unfortunately.

My biggest goal that i want to begin tomorrow is to start writing a travel experience book.

I am really wanting to do this among other things like make money and living happily married

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monopoly Game

I want to talk about work events of the past week and of today.
I dont get to write as much as I would like because of my schedule and how slow my internet connection is currently.

I was given one of the best compliments I have ever been given by my co-worker. She said that I have changed the working dynamic and relationships in the office. I have made some of the Korean teachers soften and become more pleasant. I was told that they weren't as friendly before I came. I have many friends in the office predominately Korean^^
We all share stories and get along well. A few days ago my co-worker yelled at one of the korean teachers to stop talking and ranting on about cosmetics, and gossip issues. She took my advise and stood up for what was really the right thing to do which was to be more considerate of her work space.

I want to make work more fun. I have always wanted this and cant wait to share this with my girlfriend. A workplace is a place to enjoy and where you can feel like you can stay there even when you don't have to be there. I would go to work a couple hours early if I need to do something and enjoy the place. I really want to make a resume for my gf and also get her application materials situated next week. I am working Saturday for 3 hours a crock of baloney but I will get 225 this month in SAturday pay. not enough but fine for now.

I have been wanting to improve relationships between people my whole life actually. I learned about a custom called kok which is expressing regret at funerals in Korea and I truly dont want to live with any regret.

Today I played MONOPOLY. It was a game I used to play with my aunts, uncles, and cousins, and some of the fondest memories albeit a little fighting with my parents and brother. As I pass Go I get my monthly salary. I have to pay bills and ironically my rent payments come in the form of a real hotel PRIME HOTEL is the name of my estate that I am residing in currently.

I have no major income unfortunately but I do think about this quite a lot. Today I found a bank that can give me a 6% interest rate if I open a savings account. I am thinking of doing this which will mean that I need to be here until minimally February.

Some monthly installments hopefully near 1,000,000 each month at the minimal expense.

This month is going by so fast. I hope that it continues to go well. In my night class i played monopoly for 2 hours and just talked about life issues. I am hoping to figure out a lot more tomorrow.

I need to do more I feel.

Monopoly. Cast the die, see what happens. I know what i want and I believe I can do it. I am going to Fight harder. I dont believe in failure

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Today marks my 50th day special in Korea. Its been quite a thriller and a mad (ME CHE SE YO) Ride. In review
I got here on December 20th with really no clue where I was headed. I ended up in Some place called Jongno sam ga 3 for training at the company YBM. I lost my luggage on the bus and on this unfortunate day in December I was sad to not get much sleep on my first night back in Korea.

I spent Christmas in Busan with my gf and moved into my new apartment. It was a great Christmas but I had to spend the next week shopping and resting before my working contract started on the 2nd of January.

I finished my first session of work without a major problem. The students were wonderful and happy to talk to me and for the first time in my teaching career I was looking forward to teaching them. I got my paycheck and was a little displeased at the amount that they took out but I am going to do some record keeping and more checkups with the Administration and get more money if possible.

I ended up spending New Years at my Fiancees house! I was really surprised because I had very little money left, and not much preparation time prior to meeting them. It was a great way to spend the new year (LUNAR CALENDAR) This date was the 25th of January.

The start of the second session really knocked me off of my feet. I am teaching more hours now so I hope that I get more OT pay. I start earlier in the morning and work late every night.

This weekend was really special. My girlfriend and I celebrated our relationship by getting RINGS^^
I love them. They look really nice on us and I think my gf has an eye for bargains. Not only did she find a nice ring at a great price but she negotiated the price down (haggled) and she also uses cards for discounts at coffee shops, bookstores, shoe shopping, etc. We can always get nice clothes, accessories, and food et all for a cheaper, reasonable price.

While I am sad that this weekend is over I feel a lot better than I did yesterday. I am looking forward to this busy week where I can get a lot more done and focus on the future.

I don't know if many people read these stories or what people may be thinking when they hear of these happenings but I am just excited to create something that may bring happiness to anyone and also help me out later when I write my adventure story. I think I am viewed as a Maverick nowadays because I seem to be off doing my own thing in limbo while everyone else in America maybe asking themselves What is he thinking/doing? If this is the case I am following my dreams and what I believe to be the pursuit of happiness.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Y B Madness in February Scrambled

Welcome to February!
I have started off the next pay session well. I worked 17 hours in two days! This is going to add up to a lot of OT pay at the end of February!

I worked 10 hours today and I am a little tired but happy about the new possibilities unravelling before my eyes. I am going to write Greg this week and see about getting into the head teaching position. I finally got his information!

I dont like the hectic atmosphere of the work office right now but its something that will get better in the week to come.
Friday my high school session ends. Thank God. They complain if I play a game, they talk adnosium and they are just a worthless lot. I don't care for them at all anymore. the teacher is leaving too. She is a real bitch and doesn't know how to treat people. She used to work here and she judges the teachers who work there now. She looks down her nose at the Korean teachers is what I heard. I am liking my co-workers more and more now. I mainly just talk to the Korean teachers because unfortunately the Foreign teachers are negative.
One always has a bad mood because he is tired of working here and truly needs to move on. The other one is always up and down and doesnt act well I think in communication.

I am excited for this weekend because My sweetheart will come. I want to prepare so much for her! She is my saemmuel.


Tomorrow I have to get up at 5:30 again and find breakfast. I have to fight the students in the afternoon and try to prepare more out of the chaos in the morning.

Going to bed soon with nothing but love in my Sagwa noon

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Deep Passions

So I forgot to write a story yesterday. I wanted to but I ended up doing other things instead. I washed my clothes by hand again I wish I had a better house because its getting tiresome doing it by hand. This weekend I stayed in Busan and saved money by not going anywhere. Honestly, I am lonely though and wish I could have went to work or do something else.

I had a good time with my students. Nowadays I am finding pleasure in my work and really feel like I am making a difference.

Loving the things you do and are apart of.
My biggest passion is my Love for my Yojachingu. No matter what I do or where I go my love for her follows me. At times I feel sad or even a little angry because of being frustrated over things but I always forget and just remember how much I am in Love. Because of her I am achieving more out of my life. I am interested in doing TESOL now just to get a certificate and also more qualified as a teacher. I am planning on moving up the chain from teaching to head teacher to professor hopefully in the next 3 years.

Meeting her family this week was the best thing to have happened to me. I enjoy her family so much. I haven't written so much because I am unfortunately too tired after my split shifts. I want to write more though. I am thinking of writing a book soon because i would like to tell about my life in Korea and share my thoughts with people who are interested...

I was really scared to meet her father. my girlfriend and her mother told me not to worry so much but this was so important to me and i was determined to make a good impression. I think he has a kind soul even though we didn't get a chance to talk much. It was like my dream where he and I were walking together. Seeing him made me think of my grandfather a lot.

I haven't had good experience with kids in Korea but her nephew changed that for me. I love him so much and hope to see him again soon. I want to have our kids be like him because I know that the two of us are really special and would make wonderful smart and beautiful babies.

When I went home I was with her brother. He is like my brother because he can understand me well. I want to see him again soon and should have called him yesterday but soon I can. I know we will hang out more later...

Without passion life is really meaningless. I am working hard to build my passion more.
I am happy I finished my first month of living in Korea again.
january I think is the most difficult month for me that I will have while living here. I am looking ahead to February with a lot of hope and happiness.

I will get paid in 7 days and so I am happy because I will open a new account and get more interest^^

I have many goals for February and I am hoping it won't be a stressful month. I think I will work more. I will have to work a little on Saturdays now I think. I get 400 dollars extra though! I wil get my new schedule tomorrow. tomorrow is the last day of session.

goals for February
1. love my gf more
2. Celebrate her birthday in good style :)
3. Travel more if possible.
4. SAVE MORE happier
6. Win her parents over more
I am so happy now cause I know I have someone really special in my life and I want to show just how much I care.

Always Haungbok!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I can't tell you how much I love Christina's family. It broke my heart to leave the house actually. i love playing with her nephew and niece they pulled my fingers and shot at me but they are so cute and funny. Her sister is nice and her sister's husband is understanding. I love her mother, she takes care of me so well. Her father is kind but solitary and is interesting man. Her brother took me home and we talked well. He is my brother I know this.

It hurts me to be away now. I feel sorrow and regret ...I don't know why I feel this but I am hoping to become better than now. My girlfriend is the best I would do anything I could in the world for her.

Work is work. my students took me out to dinner. I understand and like my students a lot so I am trying to make good relationship. I am seeing how many students will come back in February. If a lot of them come back I can get 100-300 extra pay... I hope for this a lot.

I am overcome and rot with so much Love my veins are carrying this throughout my body and i am just hoping to connect all the dots. I hope my mind is staying intact I think about this and only this now all the time.

I never knew Love could reach so high. I only want to be with you

Friday, January 23, 2009

Usual days

Today I finished up the work week. I only have a few more days of this session. ThankGod today is Friday! I will go to Gumi tomorrow. My alma mater in Korea. A type of breeding ground where my youthful teaching days were spent where I shedded my Naiviety and out sprouted a developed cognitized affluent teacher.

I will go to Gumi tomorrow to see my future! Its going to be a wonderful time and I am excited to enjoy this occasion albeit a little nervous at the same time but that's to be expected right?

My teaching in Busan continues to radiate undettered by faculty or admin staff alike. I may see an oberservation in the near future from a Samyeon teacher but all is not to fear. I still feel a strong connection to YBM at the present moment and am hoping to seek and gain more influence in due course.

Teaching here is really easy except for the long hours. I feel like I am here most of the day even though I have a time period to go play so to speak. I am getting new information each day on my happenings and trying to put things together even though its taking a little longer than anticipatory.

I have a high school class here in 20 minutes. Today is my 16th teaching day of the month. I have been in Korea for 34 days already now. Things seem to be moving in fast forward for me.

A typical day portrayal....
I get up each day at 7 am now. I wash as fast as I can because the hot water seems to only last for 2 minutes Thank God I am native Montanan i think Koreans need to learn the definition of Cold. GO TO MONTANA.

I pass many people in my daily life/walk. There is the Valet parker who talks English well. He is very kind and we can talk a lot although he can get tiresome sometimes. He works 18 hours every other day. All he does is stand outside the hotel and assists people park thier cars. I pass women who exchange money. They sit outside in the cold and just give American money to tourists and wait until thier 8 hours are up. One of them says Good Morning to me each day. If I had more time I would probably buy her a coffee or something because she looks so cold. So sometimes I feel sorry for these workers.

I come to YBM where I say hello to the janitor. She is really nice and friendly. I come here and drink my coffee and wait for 30 minutes before going to my class. I talk to my students share laughs, stories, and enjoy the time and then I go home. Talking to the other teachers is a lot of fun too.

My co-workers are interesting. Arthur is and elderly gentleman who has been here to long. He is tired of this job. He is friendly but feels burned out. I guess after 8 years I would be too. I hope not. Liz is really nice too. She has shown me around a little but she can be really uptight when it comes to working. She has a lot of things going on so we don't have a lot of time to hang out. The korean teachers and I get along really well. Thats why I want my gf to come here to be around wonderful friendly people. I am so excited to think of wonderful future.

i am too frank apparently because I told one of the Korean teachers that I am so happy here except for the high school teacher who is a real bitch. I told my friend if my girlfriend was here she would kick some ass and say oh mechinzegetsa under her breath just like me. I can't believe her and her no concepts of how to behave in an office.

I am happy to be almost done with those classes. Kids who dont want to learn on their vacation period but are forced to study just because the teacher can't afford to live off of salary for a month. Contracted out to my YBM company which thankfully is giving me OT pay^^

I finished my evening class talking to girls about gender differences and sharing stories of interesting events. I am happy to crawl in bed and look forward to tomorrow where I want to be with my darling and hopefully have safe homecoming. I can't express how much joy I feel about meeting her family. Its so important to me.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Teaching Desires

So today I had 6 classes and a lot of downtime to think things or mull them over as they say. I am unfortunately pretty tired since I didn't sleep at all last night. I am functioning on about 0 hours of sleep. Its amazing I made it to work at all today. The split shift does have its limitations after all.

I am thinking a lot about what I want to get out of my teaching experience here in Korea as well as what I would like to do with my blog entries and just overall future Career Building.

YBM is an interesting place and has presented a lot of opportunities that havent been seen before at least by my eyes in Korea. I really would like to make some advancements in my career in the near future in any way I can do this.

Geoffrey is leaving at the end of this month and the HEAD teaching position is available but my experience may deem me unqualified. I am tempted to write or track down Greg and see if I can become the head teacher at YBM but I will research this in the coming month.

My classes are fair. I have 2 level 3 (intermediate level) classes their english is fair but they are shy. I enjoy them though because they are nice and can be interesting. Its really nice to have conversation with students finally. I never had one in Gumi and all I am doing is hoping that I can bring my gf into my world of happiness because I truly am happy and want to share it with her.

I have level 2 classes. They are both interesting. The first one is better. They like me a lot and will take me out to dinner next week! The other class tends to talk way to much in Korean but they love my stories and enjoy my teaching. I am hoping that my attitude will get me a bonus or something because I really care about this right now. For the first time in my life I have bonus incentives, overtime potential and a list of many other things possible in my life.

I really like my Hot topic classes. I listen to an elderly man speak about issues and can relate to the students who are my age and like me as well. one of them is a teacher. She and I are both getting married soon!

My high school classes are insane. One is too quiet but really sweet respectful students and the other is full of little shits. Today one of the girls who I liked apologized for being rude to me last week. She is the youngest and smartest I think but she needs to control her feelings. I was so pissed last Tuesday. I will only do high school if it means I will make some OT pay.

Busan continues to treat me well. Its hard to believe I have passed my first month in Korea. I want to make good future in anyway I can so I am going to work harder and push myself to a new extreme. I want to do everything possible so I can just make the best choice of my life work. nothing else really matters to me as much as this does.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Unravelling the Scripts

Today I had a good day I think. I talked to my hot topics class about "Life after Death" A student of mine chose this as the interesting topic. A line caught my attention it read simply coming back to life to fulfill ones mission. What is our mission was the center of discussion.
The class agreed that Love Travel and Understanding where of high value when determining our mission. I talked about how I wanted to Love the people in my life in the best possible manner and work harder to provide and make sure that this was reached. I want to travel and see how people interact everywhere on the globe and come to better terms or understanding in our lives. Finally I am hoping to compile a book together about my travel experiences/life in Korea. I will start this book next month when my hours are more open. MY hot topics course and my 6 pm class are very important to me. I enjoy them very much. I also like my 8-10 hour class but don't like the time.

In follow up to last nights posting I would like to add more about what Busan is becoming to me. Busan is giving me a cosmopolitan feeling even though I think I live in a small sector. Nampo dong is huge but its relatively small to me nowadays. I am gaining a reputation around here and I am liking it. Honestly, a home away from home makes me feel secure here as far as a second home is considered.

Degrees of Separation are only a matter of relativity. I am away from my family in America but no matter what I will always be with them. I wish my family would understand that my going away isn't the end of the world. I am really out to make a name for myself and doing the best I can in the circumstances presented. I may have false ideals about my family life but I do understand people's feelings. Nowadays I am bogged down by work. I have many teaching hours per day and try to make the best out of it.

I want to work more now though. I have more hours that I should be able to teach but there is no classes available so I am hoping to make the enrollment go up in the coming months. The teachers are really amazing here. I know that you would fit in well here and I want to help you get this job when we get together because I know we can do well here.

Living here for about a month I have had so many strange occurrences but still I feel a lot better about being here. I lost my bags in Seoul, I was made fun of by my Orientation trainer for not knowing how to tie a tie. I was told today by a student (high school) I disappoint her -she can go cry to her mom for all I care she and all the girls (8 of them) talk gibber jabber and complain, sleep and want to play Game. I told them with my eyes I dont play games, I am a serious person and I wont take your whining so go home if you can't speak or listen to me. I felt better in my other classes. One of the students invited me out for dinner with the class. I like them a lot. I hope we can go. i got trapped in an elevator today for 30 minutes and was pissed too because I wanted to rest and do some things at home.

As I keep writing I am unravelling more information about my past and where my future is going. I am excited about this coming weekend because I want more than anything to take my girls hand everywhere and write scripts of absolute happiness together ..

Monday, January 19, 2009

Going Corporate

I am doing a lot of thinking about my future lately. I am really thinking about furthering my career within the career of ELs. I think that my livelihood and future happenings will be centered on this realm of study. YBM (Young Busan men?) Club (lets think of a better expression later) is a place I am enjoying more and more. I never thought I could say that about a job but I do enjoy the people I work with and the pay is decent. I am hoping to get even better at it in the following months. I don't like the Corporate Monkeys who think that they can train me and are sell-outs but I do realize the importance of this job.

Busan has a future. I am happy here. I am thinking of devoting at least 3 years to this place. My friends may have been right. I will return to Korea and they think I will never return. I do not know when I will but I will return when the economy returns. More than anything I want Christina to meet my family and enjoy America's beauty and elegance. Someday :)

Today was pretty laid back. I taught my two morning classes, my dumb high school classes and my 3 night classes from 6-10. I enjoy those classes a lot.

I walked along the Ocean front of Busan and the more I do this the better I feel. I want to make Busan a nice place to live. I want to find the resources to make my girlfriends' dreams come true. I want to light the spark that has ignited my flare for the last 17 months. My inextinguishable flame. Forever churning my soul.

In these trying times I want to make the use of the economy and play the market at its own game. I want to broaden my horizons and show other people the way too.
Make use of our time and not be bogged down by stress.

Forever fighting we can do it and much more

How fitting today is Martin Luther King day (this week) Obama is our new president today and Dreams can fly I am certain.

As I prepare for bed I am wide awake with my heart racing full of Love and happiness for a grande future that I am anxiously awaiting and knowing that its going to work well and be haung bok^^ Happiness

Sunday, January 18, 2009

International Scene

This weekend was a very long one. I felt like it was lasting forever. I wanted to just go to work because there wasn't much for me to do that I can do at the current moment. I spend my saturday talking to my friend who works at the International hotel which is near my house and I strolled through the underground markets to the area near the International market locality but I just was off on a little adventure. All of this was within 30 minutes of my house. Its amazing to think how big Busan really is.

Today I met a student by chance and she gave me some free green tea latte drink.
The man at the convenience store also gives me free food its so nice to have great people around where I live and work. it makes me feel like staying longer than my contract period.

I caught up on my emails and rested a lot so now I am ready for the big week ahead of me.

I have some goals for the week which is to get my bank account activated, send my postcards i have written, get a haircut, fix my house some more and plan for a fun weekend next week!

I need to lie down because my back is sore. I think I shouldn't have handwashed my clothes tonight now cause my back is hurting me.

Anyways I love exploring the downtown area and surrounding places in Busan I can't wait to start again soon!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mid afternoon's break time

I don't have anything to do right now. I went for a walk and explored a little bit of Busan area. i went looking for a cheap place to eat for my main course of the day. I went to work today even though there is no work for me to do. I used the computer and read the newspaper. Today is going by so slow I really wish it would be tomorrow already.

I went to the bookstore but the books are to expensive right now.

Yesterday I figured out how to use my ATM card. I had to call to get a pin number set up and was quite pissed off about this since I couldn't deposit it into my account and now have a huge amount of cash sitting in my home. I hope to make some interest off of this money and I hope that I can do it asap like Monday.

tomorrow I am hoping to go to Daegu to enjoy the afternoon with Christina. Busan is a fun place but its quite lonely without her.

I am having a hard time with things right now I am not sure why. Always Fighting

There are many things to be done and many more miles to go before I sleep.

outside is pretty warm but there isn't much to do right now.

more shortly,

Thursday, January 15, 2009

hectic Week

OMg its now Thursday night and I can breathe a little. Work has been busy. According to my boss I worked 32 hours of overtime. I don't know how thats possible i think he may have made a mistake but I hope not. I will make a lot of money in a few weeks. Its hard to believe I have been here for now 26 days but still no pay not until February which is around the corner.

My life has changed a little bit. I am confronted with new dilemmas but I am certain I can meet the challenges that lie ahead.

Classes and Work
I am teaching many good classes but I do hate my 2 hours a day with high school students. They are so immature and have no concept of how to behave in a class. Its typical childish bullshit but at least its not my main courses. I hope to not teach high school in Korea again. I thought it would be better but they are still bad. Goofy giggly girls who won't settle down to learn for an hour. Game game thats all they say like I used to when I was in 5th grade. It made me feel like I was back at Yale and how everyday was. I hated it so much.

My adult classes are much better. They actually try to learn. I don't like wearing formal clothes but I am trying to be presentable and fashionable out of the deal later I will get more clothes and hopefully get a raise.

i finished 3 hours of a pointless orientation and left without saying goodbye because the man was a complete jackass and a Corporate video recorder I hate people who hide behind insignia's whatever happened to individuality.

My teachers room is fun. If my gf was here it would be heaven cause the teachers are super nice and personally she would fit in well with them.

I like my boss a lot cause he is like me. Today he told me a lot of pointers and things I should try to do and in february I will think about them a lot.

Other things...
I am trying to get situated more in Korea. I think I can make here a home for 2-3 years if everything goes well. im trying to figure that out so to speak

Im happy its the weekend and I hope that I can do many wonderful fun things soon. I need to catch up on my sleep.
Yesterday i worked from 9 to 11. 12-2 in orientation, 3-5 in high school and 6-10 in YBM. So much work uh.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Flirting with desire

Nothing special today. I worked 8 hours of teaching classes. I got up at 6 and went to work early.

As they say Early bird gets the worm. I tried to prepare more for my classes and would like to make a mad push for the end of the session which is only around the corner. Time is going by so fast its hard to believe my 3 weeks will soon be one month and my seventh teaching day is almost going to be 20.

I found a dollar today when walked in the streets to work. I think its nice to walk down the street in the early morning and its something I really do hope to do with my sweetheart.

Work was good as usual. I like my job a lot and don't begrudge going to it. I asked about korean jobs today and think that the people I work with like their schedules. I will find out more :)
its my pleasure

I wish I had more time today to talk to you cause I really wanted to know how you were. I went to bed last night not feeling well partly because of tiredness and just a little anxious again.

Today was fine though. I like working and I hope to get more hours soon. I don't want to work on Saturday but maybe if I dont go anywhere I will substitute if I can.

i will get 45 dollars in refund due to what I sent them in the mail. I wish they would give me the full amount of 80 but for whatever reason they are withholding this from me. I am happy because it should mean that I don't need to use my bank card for another 10 days. I will buy more groceries soon! Today I only bought 1000 won!

I can't tell you how much I care about the future and how much money i want to save us. I want to work more than now.

I promise you that you will never have to worry about me spending money on frivolous unimportant things. I want to buy us nice things and save more. Nothing matters to me more than building our future so we can write a book travel and do whatever we want. As you know me I just want to make things work out for the best.

Today after my class ended at 9:50 I just went home. I wish you were here so we could share Busan together.

Have a nice night and please dream happily and know that I will take care of you through everything

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Knock on Heavens Door

My weekend was wonderful! I watched john Q the movie and rested up a lot during the afternoon on Saturday. I didn't go anywhere because it was really to cold to do much of anything. I wish I had a good book though and also more movies. My internet is unfortunately too slow but at least I can write a story.

I got the best surprise anyone could ever ask for. Someone came a knocking on my door and just like that I was in heaven. I underwent a transformational shift from just another weekend to having my girl in Busan with me :)
I was so happy to see her cause I had been thinking about her all week.

WE went out downtown around 10 even though I was really surprised and pretty much ready for bed but we had some good food and enjoyed some night life time downtown. I hope we can do that again soon.

today we went shopping and I got a new coat. My darling bought me a nice sweater/jacket that looks really professional and good for a teacher. I have been in Korea for 22 days now and this weather is so cold. I hope it warms up soon.

I showed Christina a little of the book from my hometown area and now I want to write more. I want to write a magazine and co-write a book about teaching English Through Mistakes.

I am really excited for these projects to happen in the near future and maybe starting in February we can start this^^

Honey I am really happy today-I got nice new clothes, wonderful food and I have a women I really care so much about, who does so much for me and makes me feel spoiled. I dont know what I would do without you.

This month is the hardest month for me I think. Its my time of being frugal (more than usual) and its my re-readjustment phase. I am getting into the swing of things at work, I am meeting some nice people here and there but mostly I am focused on saving and making money.
More than that I am determined to make our goals happen before anything else. I turned down an invitation to a dinner because it would involve senseless travel, and probably cost to much. I didn't want to go anyways because of the weather and that I need to save money. If they were eating in Nampo-dong I would have gone but I didn't. I am happy to just stay inside.

l went for a walk and bought some trash bags and saw a bookstore but didnt see anything too special.I regret making mistakes after you left. As always I am considering of the situations.

A knock from Heaven is worth more than anything including the price of rice in China.

Honey if we write a book we should write about idiom expressions too:)

more soon to follow

Saturday, January 10, 2009


It was very cold today so unfortunately it wasn't a day to go sightseeing or anything else for that matter. Its nearly half over this month and I will just be happy to see its finish just because of pay day and also I think korean new year will be better than the new year as it is right now. I have a lot of exciting things ahead^^
It makes me happy just thinking about them because on a day like this there really isn't much else for me to do. I bought some face work things because I am trying to improve my outer image and maybe get ready to try to get a head teaching job. My boss is going to leave soon so therefore there is a vacancy in the teaching schedule and I am hoping that the change will be a good one. he will leave in a month. Its too bad because he's pretty funny and nice guy. He is from New Zealand.

I will have a busy week unfortunately. I have 7 classes on Monday (8 teaching hours) 6 classes on Tuesday (6 hours) 7 classes on Wednesday(8 hours) 6 classes on Thursday (6 hours) and 6 hours on Friday Thank God! =34 hours of teaching. The good news is that I should have Overtime pay at the end of the month so I hope that I have a lot of hours over 120
I think I will have maybe 10 hours of Overtime this month!

Today I just cleaned my house rested a little, bought a movie John Q and washed my clothes.

I have never hand washed before so this was interesting experience. If My company is going to buy laundry machines my house will get a little smaller. I like coziness but I am really hoping to move on my own accord to a better house soon.

So here is my mailing address for anyone who reads this and wants it
YBM ELS Language Centers, Busan
YBM Si-sa B/D 35-1 Gwangbok dong 1GA
jung-gu, 600-031 Busan korea

So a couple other information that has happened to me earlier in the week. I met an old man who talked to me and wants to learn English. I agreed to sit down with him for 20 minutes and listen to him talk. he told me about his time in America and a little about himself. His english wasn't very good but it was understandable. He is really old and feels Lonely cause he lives alone. I always feel sorry for people that feel that because I care about people and I really want to understand how elderly think. I really want to make a difference in peoples lives especially the people I Love.
Secondly, there was a new korean teacher who is teaching my high school kids and she wanted to change the routine that my boss gave me. I thought it was ok but I told my boss just in case and he flipped his lid on the new teacher so I felt responsible for having her yelled at. I felt really awful that day.

But it got better since I talked about dating and had fun with my 3 night classes.

Today I needed the break to catch up on my sleep but I do wish I could have worked today since I didn't do much. Im excited for a fun day tomorrow.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Today I got up late I was tired, sleepy and had a bad headache. I felt guilty about a lot of things and probably shouldn't have thought a lot. Im just anxious to find things...

Today I had 8 classes. Thats the most i have taught in one day 7 classes =8 hours. 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 4 at night. I would prefer to teach more right now but I can't. I hope that I can make a lot of money sooner.

I am a little tired now even though I had mainly good classes. High school classes annoy me and they make me very angry and I don't hide my emotions well but my evening classes were fun.. We talked about dating :)

The classes laughed about problems that people have and I was just so happy that we don't have any of the problems. We dont drink or smoke, we dress well and we are happy.

I ate a few times too but nothing to special today.

I am hoping for a fun weekend and filled with relaxing things like a movie and just eating well. I can't wait to see you

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Doting Grandmothers

i have gone to a place for lunch twice now where it has been very good and fun. There are two women who work there and run the restaurant. Today I had Samgyapsal. Three layered pork or bacon.

Its really nice because they bring me 6 plates of snack food before I get my main course. After my lunch/dinner I was given Watermellon, and coffee. They talk very fast and in Korean to me but I can understand eun marcum. When I got up to leave I put my wallet in my pocket and they stood there with worry or concern because one of them came and buttoned my coat pocket in case the wallet may fall out. I like them even though I cant converse with them. I hope my future mother in law is similar to them because I already know I will spoil her with my charm I think this.

I taught two classes today so far. I had my level 3 class with smart and fun students and then my hot topics class where they can really speak well and we debate about things. Today we talked about Korean books that are ancient/traditional and are being kept in a library in America. These issues are important to me because I want to learn more Korean and more history. Its very important for my future and what I want most. I really want to explore Busan more and do this with Christina because Busan isn't like the Korea I knew before. It feels a lot different to me. I like the interactions that are happening and really want to become more attached.

Yesterday I felt sad when I went to bed. I really want to do more with my job and situation. Last night one of the topics I was discussing with my friend was being more positive.

As I have mentioned in the past I felt negative about things before. I tried to think for 4 months about this and realized that I shouldn't have felt so bad all the time. I am trying to stay upbeat and just progress myself forward where happy dreams exist right beyond the corner.

I have many ideas jarring my mind and I really do want to open up more doors soon. This weekend I really really want to do something whatever is possible because one step in any direction is better than standing still.

More than anything I want is to make happiness occur and in that case do whatever is needed in order to insure that.

My doting Grandmothers give me the sense of Family and also more importantly strengthening my affection and giving more Love that I have bottled up.

This is my vision part of it anyhow.

Now I will go to school again shortly in order to adequately prepare for my afternoon classes. more to follow later tonight

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mid-week Afternoon

I have completed a little over half of my first week of YBM. Its not so bad so far. I am getting used to the long afternoons and quick nights and mornings. It seems like I do spend a lot of time there but that's ok. Soon I want to work even more. It helps if I have a lot of things going on.

I will go to work in a little bit to do some lesson planning for the rest of the week and organize my office space a little more. Its not really a good place to work though simply because mostly people just talk. I think that there is a good schedule where there is no split shift available if people would like.

In the month of January from 11-6 is my time to do whatever I would like to do. However, there isn't much to do when I don't have much money left and I am just waiting for the beautiful weekend to come so I can do something fun. I am thinking of going to Daegu on Sunday i think that would be nice anything though would be great.

This is my first teaching month and I will be happy when its over simply because I can get paid and then start living so to speak.

I am really hoping to make a good impression here.

Today I had cereal for breakfast, and ramon for lunch. I will go have a cheese dongas at 4:30 and that will be my dinner. Tomorrow I think I may have Samgyapsal.

Sundae we should also eat soon. next time you come.
Honey I just have to say I love your hometown a lot and think working here will be so perfect.

i am hoping that your day went well. As busy as Busan is, its really quiet when I think about it.

Soon I will do my laundry by hand because i will get a machine from YBM shortly but I don't think anytime soon. I have never done this before. Maybe it will be a cheap way to do laundry.

There is so much things I want to say and do but I think I will have to wait until later.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Nampo Dong


The district I live in is Nampo dong. In Busan there are so many different places that I will find it amazing if I go to all of them. This month I am trying to not spent money because its important that I not do this. Next month will be better once I am truly settled and then I can feel ok about buying things. Nampo dong is a shopping district and the downtown area of my location. There is so many things here when compared to Gumi. I have a post office next to my work place. I have many restaurants that are all in walking proximity to my home. I like Pasta Vanita a little spaghetti establishment that feels so perfect inside. I really want to model a restaurant after this place.

I should have added that to my New Year Resolutions about making a new restaurant and cooking for people. I will learn how to cook better and in the meantime learn from the best cook I know^^

Today after my morning classes my headache went away. I enjoyed the classes more cause they weren't as stressful and slowly I am getting the hang of things. My students like me for the most part and I am excited to teach them what I know. I will improve more because of this I am certain. I am trying to not over work myself so therefore during the afternoons I will not go to work early unless I have absolutely nothing else to do. In February I am going to make a made request to put in some Overtime. I may even ask to work on Saturdays it will just depend on the situation. Maybe not cause I want Saturdays to spend with yours truly.

I have been in Korea for 17 days as of today. I am surprised at how fast things have already gone.

i am still having good feelings about YBM and in the days to come I will work on a Resume and update my profile so I can find a better job sooner^^

I think it will be fun to do a critique of my resume.

There is so much things I have to do this weekend.

Right now I am so happy because I do like Nampo Dong and even though I shouldn't say like this I do like this home and feel it would be wonderful to eventually share with Christina. I feel a lot of potential about here.

Today I cooked Ddoboki and it was kind of good. I ate Cheese dongas for dinner and a little pizza with Mr. Joe. He is a really nice guy. I survived my 4 classes with little problems. I am really striving to better my teaching and hope I can do so again. I will try to add more if my computer cooperates with me. Another story shortly I hope^^