I have completed a little over half of my first week of YBM. Its not so bad so far. I am getting used to the long afternoons and quick nights and mornings. It seems like I do spend a lot of time there but that's ok. Soon I want to work even more. It helps if I have a lot of things going on.
I will go to work in a little bit to do some lesson planning for the rest of the week and organize my office space a little more. Its not really a good place to work though simply because mostly people just talk. I think that there is a good schedule where there is no split shift available if people would like.
In the month of January from 11-6 is my time to do whatever I would like to do. However, there isn't much to do when I don't have much money left and I am just waiting for the beautiful weekend to come so I can do something fun. I am thinking of going to Daegu on Sunday i think that would be nice anything though would be great.
This is my first teaching month and I will be happy when its over simply because I can get paid and then start living so to speak.
I am really hoping to make a good impression here.
Today I had cereal for breakfast, and ramon for lunch. I will go have a cheese dongas at 4:30 and that will be my dinner. Tomorrow I think I may have Samgyapsal.
Sundae we should also eat soon. next time you come.
Honey I just have to say I love your hometown a lot and think working here will be so perfect.
i am hoping that your day went well. As busy as Busan is, its really quiet when I think about it.
Soon I will do my laundry by hand because i will get a machine from YBM shortly but I don't think anytime soon. I have never done this before. Maybe it will be a cheap way to do laundry.
There is so much things I want to say and do but I think I will have to wait until later.
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