Friday, January 23, 2009

Usual days

Today I finished up the work week. I only have a few more days of this session. ThankGod today is Friday! I will go to Gumi tomorrow. My alma mater in Korea. A type of breeding ground where my youthful teaching days were spent where I shedded my Naiviety and out sprouted a developed cognitized affluent teacher.

I will go to Gumi tomorrow to see my future! Its going to be a wonderful time and I am excited to enjoy this occasion albeit a little nervous at the same time but that's to be expected right?

My teaching in Busan continues to radiate undettered by faculty or admin staff alike. I may see an oberservation in the near future from a Samyeon teacher but all is not to fear. I still feel a strong connection to YBM at the present moment and am hoping to seek and gain more influence in due course.

Teaching here is really easy except for the long hours. I feel like I am here most of the day even though I have a time period to go play so to speak. I am getting new information each day on my happenings and trying to put things together even though its taking a little longer than anticipatory.

I have a high school class here in 20 minutes. Today is my 16th teaching day of the month. I have been in Korea for 34 days already now. Things seem to be moving in fast forward for me.

A typical day portrayal....
I get up each day at 7 am now. I wash as fast as I can because the hot water seems to only last for 2 minutes Thank God I am native Montanan i think Koreans need to learn the definition of Cold. GO TO MONTANA.

I pass many people in my daily life/walk. There is the Valet parker who talks English well. He is very kind and we can talk a lot although he can get tiresome sometimes. He works 18 hours every other day. All he does is stand outside the hotel and assists people park thier cars. I pass women who exchange money. They sit outside in the cold and just give American money to tourists and wait until thier 8 hours are up. One of them says Good Morning to me each day. If I had more time I would probably buy her a coffee or something because she looks so cold. So sometimes I feel sorry for these workers.

I come to YBM where I say hello to the janitor. She is really nice and friendly. I come here and drink my coffee and wait for 30 minutes before going to my class. I talk to my students share laughs, stories, and enjoy the time and then I go home. Talking to the other teachers is a lot of fun too.

My co-workers are interesting. Arthur is and elderly gentleman who has been here to long. He is tired of this job. He is friendly but feels burned out. I guess after 8 years I would be too. I hope not. Liz is really nice too. She has shown me around a little but she can be really uptight when it comes to working. She has a lot of things going on so we don't have a lot of time to hang out. The korean teachers and I get along really well. Thats why I want my gf to come here to be around wonderful friendly people. I am so excited to think of wonderful future.

i am too frank apparently because I told one of the Korean teachers that I am so happy here except for the high school teacher who is a real bitch. I told my friend if my girlfriend was here she would kick some ass and say oh mechinzegetsa under her breath just like me. I can't believe her and her no concepts of how to behave in an office.

I am happy to be almost done with those classes. Kids who dont want to learn on their vacation period but are forced to study just because the teacher can't afford to live off of salary for a month. Contracted out to my YBM company which thankfully is giving me OT pay^^

I finished my evening class talking to girls about gender differences and sharing stories of interesting events. I am happy to crawl in bed and look forward to tomorrow where I want to be with my darling and hopefully have safe homecoming. I can't express how much joy I feel about meeting her family. Its so important to me.

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