Sunday, January 11, 2009

Knock on Heavens Door

My weekend was wonderful! I watched john Q the movie and rested up a lot during the afternoon on Saturday. I didn't go anywhere because it was really to cold to do much of anything. I wish I had a good book though and also more movies. My internet is unfortunately too slow but at least I can write a story.

I got the best surprise anyone could ever ask for. Someone came a knocking on my door and just like that I was in heaven. I underwent a transformational shift from just another weekend to having my girl in Busan with me :)
I was so happy to see her cause I had been thinking about her all week.

WE went out downtown around 10 even though I was really surprised and pretty much ready for bed but we had some good food and enjoyed some night life time downtown. I hope we can do that again soon.

today we went shopping and I got a new coat. My darling bought me a nice sweater/jacket that looks really professional and good for a teacher. I have been in Korea for 22 days now and this weather is so cold. I hope it warms up soon.

I showed Christina a little of the book from my hometown area and now I want to write more. I want to write a magazine and co-write a book about teaching English Through Mistakes.

I am really excited for these projects to happen in the near future and maybe starting in February we can start this^^

Honey I am really happy today-I got nice new clothes, wonderful food and I have a women I really care so much about, who does so much for me and makes me feel spoiled. I dont know what I would do without you.

This month is the hardest month for me I think. Its my time of being frugal (more than usual) and its my re-readjustment phase. I am getting into the swing of things at work, I am meeting some nice people here and there but mostly I am focused on saving and making money.
More than that I am determined to make our goals happen before anything else. I turned down an invitation to a dinner because it would involve senseless travel, and probably cost to much. I didn't want to go anyways because of the weather and that I need to save money. If they were eating in Nampo-dong I would have gone but I didn't. I am happy to just stay inside.

l went for a walk and bought some trash bags and saw a bookstore but didnt see anything too special.I regret making mistakes after you left. As always I am considering of the situations.

A knock from Heaven is worth more than anything including the price of rice in China.

Honey if we write a book we should write about idiom expressions too:)

more soon to follow

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