Friday, April 17, 2009

Blog Report

One of my favorite hobbies is to write. I enjoy writing about my experiences and I am hoping to educate anyone who is interested in learning more about English, languages, culture, Korea or anything that I may have to give in my writing. I read all the comments anyone can post on my blog, I do wish I could reply accordingly though. I am interested in learning more about BLOGGING and hoping to reach a wider audience as well as post to other people. Any suggestions?

Last year I had some very negative blog readers who refused to correspond with me or show me their blogs. I want to know other people's perspectives but I was disheartened to be judged so poorly.

I would really love to hear more recommendations as well as insights on possible improvements etc.

I work 120 hours a month and now I am also working on Saturdays. I get up at the crack of dawn work until noon, and then repeat this process from 6pm until 10 at night. My prep time is more or less on my own. Seeking improvement as a teacher is one of my goals here unfortunately the fast paced society makes most of my efforts lost in translation and that fact is what I can't change about korean culture.

My blog is meant to inform the good the bad and the ugly about my situations. Life is truly what you make of it and thats why I am full of aspirations, dreams and am taken very seriously. I am a warm hearted open minded individual that desires more. While at times I appear to be depressed or negative its just the heat of the moment. I live in Korea so when I see stupid things more than likely its a cultural difference or the same thing could happen in America its just that I can't understand because its done in korean and not english. who cares really?

all people are generally the same.

Please make some posts on this article and send me more information about your blog or blogs I would like to learn as much as I can.

Enjoy reading.


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