Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Media Hype

Obama's 100 days, Economic Recession, Swine Flu from Mexico another new Epidemic..... While I agree that these are all very important and serious issues to contend with I hate how the media is portraying these stories....

I am living in Korea where the recession will be just as bad as it is in America. Everyone is so worried about the Economic downturn that sometimes they don't take into account what they have. My working experience is making me more competitive where I am trying to build up my resume. I am fortunate to have a job right now but the irony is that I only teach 8 students and as a result I am effectively not making the company any money. They are losing money on their foreign teachers as a result of the hard hit times.... Its called perseverance and in time things will look up. Keep on trucking through as they say in America.
I want more Economic prosperity for myself as well as for the world but it means we need to take a stronger look into Cultural and human values rather than the influx of greed that created the recession in the first place. We also need to be patient and not let the media scare us. We can't allow the media to control our lives. Regardless of the news being bad or good- We should keep in mind it could be a ploy or business tactic to get peoples attention. It wouldn't be the first time in history whats the word-Propaganda.

I work at a small company where I get a small bonus in addition to my salary at YBM. Apparently, the students were shocked at my pay because the company pays YBM much more than what YBM gives me. My boss is a dumb bitch. She doesn't know how to control a company and just like all the other corporate mongers she doesn't give fair or an equal share of the pie to her employees. Its a dog eat dog world here just like in America and my co-workers and I are always competing with each other instead of helping each other. We all have a good friendship but its all about the benjamin and frankly speaking its the price we pay.

I get up at 440 drag myself to the subway and make a lump sum to stash in my marriage fund because its the only available job. I know I am cheated, I know my company is the same scum that will happily cheat all their employees for a profit margin but its the status quo. If I didn't teach at Sinpyeong YBM could effectively go out of business. Sinpyeong is what pays the other foreign teachers.

Does this make sense? if you want more info just tell me.

Swine Flu~ 160 people have died to a disease involving bird, pig and human genes. WTF? Unfortunately this avian has caused a fear of a growing epidemic but the question that needs to be asked and maybe there is an answer is: Why is there genes that contain bird, pig and human? I can't understand this concept and would like an explanation - am i missing something?

People have died in Europe, NZ, and a toddler that originally came from Mexico to try to get treatment, and still the media focuses on a potential global mishap. Its important but we as a world society need to take stronger precautions.

My favorite food in Asia or Korea is SamGyapSal- 3 layered fat that is fried pork similar to bacon. How koreans cook pork may need to be more scrutinized. I was so sick due to a fried pork cutlet in February-Do i have a pig flu? Did I have food poisoning or was it a coincidence? Koreans are wonderful for their delicacies but even so their manners need a lot of changing and its not just Korea but Mexico etc.

When the bad beef came to Korea last year I felt slighted and attacked because I was an American. For 5 months or so I had to endure criticism to what was one bad shipment. Oh Americans are so greedy and have bad taste. While its true that a small place in Northern Minnesota screwed up it could have been the cooking style of Koreans as much as it was the mad cow. Hearing kids say to me "Crazy Cow" was so disrespectful I never want to hear that again.

With this new fear of Pig I hope that things can stay more controlled. I don't want to see protests about American pigs, North American meat, Mexico etc. Its about hiatus we do something about how to truthfully and accurately analyze the news. No more fear, no more lies.

If ever there was a time to come together the time would be now.
Lets put our resources and minds together and open up a door to a new future filled with more hope.

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