Sunday, March 29, 2009


I am for the most part very happy and content in my life. I know exactly what my life goals are now. I have spent the last 6 months trying to establish meaning to what everything that had happened to me meant.

I am 26 years old and according to many people have no idea what to expect from life. I don't shave as much as some people think I should. I spend my money in a poor manner according to others. This would refer to the lack of spending ironically enough. I have walked to work for the last 3 months and have had many people question my lifestyle.
1. Shaving
2. Listening to I-pod not professional and not like a teacher
3. poor style in clothing
and many other criticisms

People don't take the time to understand what I am trying to accomplish. I have felt lonely, pathetic and at times I want to give up. If I bit the bullet for another month I feel that this summer will be rewarded with a lot of great success. I have some good plans on the horizon. Today I unleashed some of those plans because I was bottlenecking myself and it wasn't feeling very good.

I am aspiring to be so much more for myself as well as for my future better half. I am incapable of giving as much as I would like right now but I truly feel that a little patience and I can give so much soon!

Money is an awful thing. I held a large sum of money in my palms today and I watched it disappear into a bank vault where I will not touch it for at least 6 months. People in Africa don't have what I have. I say Africa simply to refer or allude to the vast amount of starving people. I am one of the privileged because America is a country that gave me that chance.

All I want in my life is simple. I want to go to work make a reasonably good amount of money and take care of my Christina.

I eat Toast in the morning which is 1800 Won. It tastes good. I feel happy about it and I don't complain at all. Its bread and its typical in America. If I have to eat this cheaply everyday maybe I will not be entirely happy but when I consider those people in Africa I am fortunate. My lunches are a nice treat of Cod Soup. I like fish and I enjoy the company. I eat a cheap dinner of Rameon or I go out with my students on occasion.

Life is what it is here.

YBM -----The destiny of my work. I promised I would stay here for at least 2 years maybe 3 depending on the situation. I am trying to spoon feed the bosses in Busan as well as Seoul and land myself a nicer spot here in the future. I think I would like to get out of this YBM because its too laid back I need a little more discipline. I need some more opportunities.

I think I can work my way up into the YBM ranks though and I remain hopeful.

I made one mistake in my time here and that was leaving once I never want to leave my home again. I have found the truest of true feelings here and I know that its truly perfect. Kim and Palmer Haven

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