Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Unravelling the Scripts

Today I had a good day I think. I talked to my hot topics class about "Life after Death" A student of mine chose this as the interesting topic. A line caught my attention it read simply coming back to life to fulfill ones mission. What is our mission was the center of discussion.
The class agreed that Love Travel and Understanding where of high value when determining our mission. I talked about how I wanted to Love the people in my life in the best possible manner and work harder to provide and make sure that this was reached. I want to travel and see how people interact everywhere on the globe and come to better terms or understanding in our lives. Finally I am hoping to compile a book together about my travel experiences/life in Korea. I will start this book next month when my hours are more open. MY hot topics course and my 6 pm class are very important to me. I enjoy them very much. I also like my 8-10 hour class but don't like the time.

In follow up to last nights posting I would like to add more about what Busan is becoming to me. Busan is giving me a cosmopolitan feeling even though I think I live in a small sector. Nampo dong is huge but its relatively small to me nowadays. I am gaining a reputation around here and I am liking it. Honestly, a home away from home makes me feel secure here as far as a second home is considered.

Degrees of Separation are only a matter of relativity. I am away from my family in America but no matter what I will always be with them. I wish my family would understand that my going away isn't the end of the world. I am really out to make a name for myself and doing the best I can in the circumstances presented. I may have false ideals about my family life but I do understand people's feelings. Nowadays I am bogged down by work. I have many teaching hours per day and try to make the best out of it.

I want to work more now though. I have more hours that I should be able to teach but there is no classes available so I am hoping to make the enrollment go up in the coming months. The teachers are really amazing here. I know that you would fit in well here and I want to help you get this job when we get together because I know we can do well here.

Living here for about a month I have had so many strange occurrences but still I feel a lot better about being here. I lost my bags in Seoul, I was made fun of by my Orientation trainer for not knowing how to tie a tie. I was told today by a student (high school) I disappoint her -she can go cry to her mom for all I care she and all the girls (8 of them) talk gibber jabber and complain, sleep and want to play Game. I told them with my eyes I dont play games, I am a serious person and I wont take your whining so go home if you can't speak or listen to me. I felt better in my other classes. One of the students invited me out for dinner with the class. I like them a lot. I hope we can go. i got trapped in an elevator today for 30 minutes and was pissed too because I wanted to rest and do some things at home.

As I keep writing I am unravelling more information about my past and where my future is going. I am excited about this coming weekend because I want more than anything to take my girls hand everywhere and write scripts of absolute happiness together ..

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